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VMAX  Forum

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  1. rusty

    How much does a Vmax weigh

    Thanks Traumahawk:biglaugh: My Busa weight is 550 wet
  2. rusty

    How much does a Vmax weigh

    How much does a Vmax weigh:rocket bike: I know it's much It's heaver then my Busa
  3. rusty


    I ride my mountain bikes all over the place/ Never had a problem with traffic/ And I don't where spandex:stickyman:
  4. rusty

    Passenger back rest

    Eight inches. The item is listed on Ebay - you can purchase it for $60. free shipping. The only form of payment I accept on Ebay is PayPal. Thanks, Rusty
  5. rusty

    Passenger back rest

    I don't know what taptalk is/ But if you give me your address/ You can have it for $60 bucks/ free shipping
  6. rusty

    Passenger back rest
  7. rusty

    Passenger back rest

    I think have what your looking for /Look on my ebay for Virago Vmax bar/ Then check out my profile and make sure it's what you want.
  8. rusty

    time for a donation

    Just push the donate button:biglaugh:
  9. rusty

    Got my 85 on the road today...

    That's a nice ride:biglaugh:
  10. rusty

    time for a donation

    I just donated $40 bucks:thumbs up:
  11. rusty

    Got a package today..(Hint Chrome Pics)

    There beautiful:clapping:
  12. rusty


    YES:thumbs up:
  13. rusty


    I have my Hayabusa chain lubed at Ocean side cycle supply/ It doesn't cost me anything:biglaugh:
  14. rusty

    Picked up my first 'Max...

    Its beautiful/ Enjoy :in love:
  15. rusty

    New Battery? No spark?

    Get another battery/ This one is Bull ****!!:rofl_200:
  16. rusty

    Removal of bar ends with no Allen screw?

    You just pull them off/ Don't use any tools:thumbs up:
  17. rusty

    The one thing I miss about So Cal...

    Yes/ Some people actually move out of your way/ I like to give them a thumbs up as I go buy:thumbs up:
  18. rusty

    The one thing I miss about So Cal...

    I did grow up with it:banana:
  19. rusty

    The one thing I miss about So Cal...

    I love lane splitting in So Cal/ I do it all the time:thumbs up:
  20. rusty

    Starting my hunt for a V-Max

    I'm sure some one has a Vmax for sale on the Forum/ Get ready!!:biglaugh: