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  1. 2 wheel

    Thunder 2019 Rollcall...

    Got here at 7pm, safe and dry !!!:):)
  2. 2 wheel

    Thunder 2019 Rollcall...

    :)Charlie and I should be checking in in 24hrs, as long as the forecast doesn't call for more rain, but it is Thunder !!o_O
  3. 2 wheel

    parting out 03 Vmax

    If you wanted to check out shipping info to Days Inn, 220 waterworks rd, Somerset PA , or know of anyone nearby your area that is going to Thunder and let me know a price, I will be there next week
  4. 2 wheel

    Custom VMAX Tshirts

    If you happen to have a med T shirt at Thunder next week I'll grab one from you then Mike, thx
  5. 2 wheel

    parting out 03 Vmax

    What size rear tire ? How much for wheel/tire assembly?
  6. 2 wheel

    Thunder 2019 Rollcall...

    :) Do we have a pic of the new shirts, do we preorder them? o_O
  7. 2 wheel

    Thunder 2019 Rollcall...

    Is there any new memorabilia or shirts being done up this year ? Nametags with lanyards would be good too, even if there was a nominal fee for them, we could use the extra funds towards the bbq or prizes ...
  8. 2 wheel

    Ont Annual Spring Icebreaker Ride

    Update to Spring Ice Breaker Ride Just an update on the ride . Just so you know, I have not been rained out of an Icebreaker Ride and don't plan on it!!! We have had a 2 hr delay to the start of the ride and a shortened damp ending to the ride. That being said, looking at the forecast right...
  9. 2 wheel

    Ont Annual Spring Icebreaker Ride

    2019 Annual Spring Icebreaker Ride May 25 weekend This ride was originally posted in Organized Rides and Events I did not scroll down far enough to see the Vmoa Ontario chapter section. So have a look and send me a email, text or call of you have any questions or plan on attending. I may post...
  10. 2 wheel

    Ont Annual Spring Icebreaker Ride

    :)First post on this site for Ontario Annual Spring Icebreaker Ride, May 25th weekend in Delhi Ontario.:) 35 mins south of intersections of Hwy 401, 403, Woodstock, South on Hwy 59 to Delhi. One hr 45 mins from Fort Erie, 3.5 hrs from Detroit , on Hwy 3, for those south of the border. Friday...
  11. 2 wheel

    Back seat rack

    Gen 1, it's not mounted anymore, I can post or send a pic Monday if you are still interested. Just send me an email if you could, I never got a notice, just seen this. [email protected]
  12. 2 wheel

    SOLD Vmax 1200 Gen 1 Trailer hitch bracket

    Does it attach to the stock muffler brackets on the bottom and upper shock mounts ?
  13. 2 wheel

    Back seat rack

    I have a factory rack too that bolts on oem backrest if anyone is looking for one.
  14. 2 wheel

    Final drive whine on decel

    Call John Furbur , he does exchanges, you can a little more fuel mileage and drop your rpm with a venturer rear end.
  15. 2 wheel

    Thunder 2019 Rollcall...

    2 wheel Larry will be there, Christine cant make it, but FJR Charlie says he will tag along, maybe even Bill on his Spyder !
  16. 2 wheel

    foot peg extenders

    If you have case savers you can mount flip out foot pegs on them like I did before I got my forward controls. I have them for sale as there not needed anymore.
  17. 2 wheel

    luggage Rack

    Are you looking for the factory one that attaches to the rear of the backrest with 4 bolts ? Sent from my SM-G903W using Tapatalk
  18. 2 wheel

    Thunder 2018 rollcall........

    Hope the weather forecast is wrong, we May have to party hearty wet ! Just thought of this today, likely to late for this year, but name tags would be Nice, not everyone knows everyone and sounds like more vmaxers than ever before ! Maybe for next year, a lanyard with your name, and forum...
  19. 2 wheel

    Looking for parts

    I have both. Email me if you like. Larry Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk