If you wanted to check out shipping info to Days Inn, 220 waterworks rd, Somerset PA , or know of anyone nearby your area that is going to Thunder and let me know a price, I will be there next week
Is there any new memorabilia or shirts being done up this year ?
Nametags with lanyards would be good too, even if there was a nominal fee for them, we could use the extra funds towards the bbq or prizes ...
Update to Spring Ice Breaker Ride
Just an update on the ride .
Just so you know, I have not been rained out of an Icebreaker Ride and don't plan on it!!! We have had a 2 hr delay to the start of the ride and a shortened damp ending to the ride. That being said, looking at the forecast right...
2019 Annual Spring Icebreaker Ride
May 25 weekend
This ride was originally posted in
Organized Rides and Events
I did not scroll down far enough to see the Vmoa Ontario chapter section. So have a look and send me a email, text or call of you have any questions or plan on attending. I may post...
:)First post on this site for Ontario Annual Spring Icebreaker Ride, May 25th weekend in Delhi Ontario.:)
35 mins south of intersections of Hwy 401, 403, Woodstock, South on Hwy 59 to Delhi.
One hr 45 mins from Fort Erie, 3.5 hrs from Detroit , on Hwy 3, for those south of the border.
Gen 1, it's not mounted anymore, I can post or send a pic Monday if you are still interested. Just send me an email if you could, I never got a notice, just seen this.
[email protected]
If you have case savers you can mount flip out foot pegs on them like I did before I got my forward controls.
I have them for sale as there not needed anymore.
Hope the weather forecast is wrong, we May have to party hearty wet !
Just thought of this today, likely to late for this year, but name tags would be Nice, not everyone knows everyone and sounds like more vmaxers than ever before ! Maybe for next year, a lanyard with your name, and forum...