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  1. richwrench

    How to spank your monkey

    damn those bastage ninja monkeys...:damn angry: they are the ones who made me put fake nitrous on my bike... it wasn't MY idea...
  2. richwrench

    I got Shot Yesterday......

    Damn Grump - glad it was only a fragment. Me & Wifey went shooting at Knight's this past Saturday. I had her shooting .22, 38 special & even a .357 (loaded with 38). All was going well until she got beaned in the head from a shell casing from a guy in the stall to the left of us. She was a...
  3. richwrench

    How to spank your monkey

    Hey Monkey - archery season opens July 31st in South Florida this year. I just sharpened my Muzzy 100's this evening. Better keep your expensive monkey-ass away from my garage...:rofl_200:
  4. richwrench

    Just bought my first Vmax and have a couple questions

    Welcome aboard !!! My temp gauge always sticks. After it warms up for a couple minutes I give it a good flick with my finger & the needle pops up & works fine until the next day. Connections are tight - the gauge just sticks a little at first. Hasn't bothered me enough to mess with it really...
  5. richwrench

    What is it ? (carb tank)

    LOL - that's what I was thinking. Paint it blue & I'll send you an extra NOS sticker. I've caught many people checking out mine, just shaking their heads. One guy told me I was insane to have that much power on a motorcycle...:rofl_200:
  6. richwrench

    New guy from NC

    Welcome aboard ! 86 was a great year for the VMAX. The only one better is a 96. :biglaugh: Just messin - you'll love it. And this is a great place to hang out.:punk:
  7. richwrench

    New company

    Looks great Kyle ! - Best of luck to you.
  8. richwrench

    OEM exhaust/carb tuning

    I like the 1/2" holes because I can change my mind, drill out the rivets & reinstall the endcap & all is stock again. Once I punch out the center baffle, the muffler is forever altered - there's no going back. This was a bigger deal to me a couple of years ago - lately I'm thinking just do it...
  9. richwrench

    OEM exhaust/carb tuning

    FWIW - I have 5 1/2" holes & center baffle untouched. Pilot screws all set at 2 & 1/2 out - bike runs awesome. I've never dyno'ed it , so I can't tell you if it's a little rich here or a little lean there, but it runs great to me. No flat spots, surging, or plug fouling.
  10. richwrench

    Odd sync problem....need help!

    Mine was erratic as well - turns out the jet blocks were partially plugged & 1 coasting air valve was rotted & messing up the idle circuit. I know your bike is only 3 years old, but some of the fuel circuits are tiny & can plug up in just a few months if left sitting. Did you make sure your...
  11. richwrench

    new vmax owner

    Too bad you started with such an old model. :rofl_200: Welcome to your new addiction...
  12. richwrench


    Sweet ride ! - Must be a handful...
  13. richwrench

    stock air/fuel screw settings please

    Stock settings on most carbs lean towards the lean side. I always start at 2 1/2 & adjust from there, whether it's a VMAX, car, truck, whatever. just my .02
  14. richwrench

    deceleration issue after carb rebuild

    +1 - check your cables !. Maybe they are dislocated or jammed. If there is no free-play the idle speed will hang high. Me & Uncle Philthy played around with this issue on his bike. Be sure you have a small amount of play in your cables as you sync & adjust carbs. Throttle should return to idle...
  15. richwrench

    320 grit and my finger tips are raw.

    Rolocs can be awesome, but use caution - they can get aggressive real fast. I've never had a prob with them, but I know others who have ruined ****. Judging from your posts, I'll think you'll be fine with them.
  16. richwrench

    National Security

    Survival of the fittest . I love 'em & respect 'em, but they lost to a stronger group. Someday, people will remember us the same way. Nobody stays in control forever. To me, the important thing is that you went down swinging. I hope when our people eventually go away, it will be with the same...
  17. richwrench

    Ducati muscle bike ?

    I LOVE the sound of a Ducati dry clutch. And a short stroke oversquare engine can really turn some rpm's & squeeze out some pony's. The only thing that would keep me away is the price - there's no way that duck will be as cheap as a GenII, & we all know THEY'RE not cheap. Still, I'm glad they...
  18. richwrench

    Need A Physics Formula

    The probability also doubles for each person who is watching you...
  19. richwrench

    Misery in Phoenix

    I feel your pain - it's 95 degrees in the shade here with 95 % humidity. It's so humid here it was raining today even though it's sunny. Still gotta ride though - I just double-up on the right guard & go for it. :biglaugh:
  20. richwrench

    There always has to be ONE

    Tell Lankee & SS we said "hey"...