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  1. Max01red

    New Arabian Tank

    If thats real, not a photo shop, someone has way more money than they
  2. Max01red

    Custom Max

    Very cool, I'm sure it wasn't cheap....
  3. Max01red

    engine guards

    Why are you taking the set off your bike???
  4. Max01red

    Damn you Old Man Winter!!!

    On the up side they all make very nice nick
  5. Max01red

    Mega-Max For 2008?

    What magazine is that in??? Never mind, I should have read the first post...sorry...
  6. Max01red

    10,000 video views

    Thats simple, just put a disclaimer on there stating that all burnouts, wheelies, or high speed runs, where computer
  7. Max01red

    10,000 video views

    Cool , I'm #10,605!!!! I liked the "He needs to come back"
  8. Max01red

    Pic of the day....
  9. Max01red

    Joe Rocket "Rasp" jacket

    I would say its worth the money to me because it is so much more comfortable than what I was used to ridding in, I literaly don't ever think about having a jacket on while I'm ridding...Where as with the older jackets, the shloulders where allways alttle to tight, or the sleeves blew up on my...
  10. Max01red

    Joe Rocket "Rasp" jacket

    This is the first "Motorcycle specific" I have ever bought or worn (in over 20 years of street bike riding) I have allways just used what ever coat/jacket I had at the time. I would give it a definate thumbs up, it is comfortable, light weight, and has zippered venilation in the main body as...
  11. Max01red

    **** joke..

    Scientist have recently discovered that most women have at one point in their lives had intelligent DNA in there bodies....... The problem is 95% of them spit it out........
  12. Max01red

    Stonecatcher Where To Buy And How Much Are They?

    If you can find a place that will take a payment through paypal, it will automatically do the exchange rate for you, at the most current rates..
  13. Max01red

    parting out 06 vmax on ebay?

    From the looks of all the other items he is selling, I would say its either a company or person that buys wrecks and then parts them out..he has a few moters and fairing, from other bikes.... No motor for the Max listed though, so maybe it blew up??
  14. Max01red

    B-King now official

    First off whats with the name? it makes me hungry for a Whopper with and it looks like a transformer, I wonder if its a good guy or a bad guy....lmao!!!!
  15. Max01red

    They walk among us....

    Some guy bought a new fridge for his house. To get rid of his old fridge, he put it in his front yard and hung a sign on it saying: "Free to good home. You want it, you take it." For three days the fridge sat there without even one person looking twice at it. He eventually decided that...
  16. Max01red

    New Product Review Forum

    Cool, I'll write up a review of my new helmet and jacket as soon as I get a little more riding time with them... so far I really like them both... Thanks for implamenting my idea...I hope it benefits all our members, at one time or another.
  17. Max01red

    Please help me out on this

    Ok, after talking to my professor about this project, which she thought was a great idea, there are two other things I need to know 1. if you can trace it back to a memory, how old were you? (most of you already put this in your story so we are cool there.. 2. is anyone else in your...
  18. Max01red

    Austin Powers on ebay

    Now that is pretty funny, I guess its true what they say about guys with expensive/flashy sports cars...lmao!!!
  19. Max01red

    Please help me out on this

    accually that helps as well, I'm just trying to show that most people with phobia's or strong fears ect...can trace it down to a early memory, but every good research paper has to have both sides of the thankyou very much for your response... on a side note I'm finding that most...