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  1. g2501

    open header with original muffler... is it possible?

    there are places ( like Italy ) where laws proihibited some of the most useful and beneficial upgrade to the max. The 17" rims conversion , or the larger tires are just few of them. One of the most annoying , anyway, is the exhaust or the muffler upgrade. It is impossible to use any muffler or...
  2. g2501

    rear brake caliper swap

    Hi everybody, some months ago I swapped the original rear disk with a Galfer inthe same diameter of the original one. I would like to change also the caliper with some aftermarket caliper , but I'm struggling to find one for the original disk. I only found a conversion kit to upgrade both the...
  3. g2501

    engine not revving and sputtering at 6000rpm and above

    Hy guys, first of all I would like to apologize for the bother, but recently I had a series of annoying issues with my Max that are really going to make me desire to sell it.... although I really love this bike from when I was 13 Y. Old INTRO: A friend of mine tested my bike ( 1996 EU VMAX 1...
  4. g2501

    regulator/rectifier + wiring upgrade

    hi all, since I'm having a lot of issues with the original regulator/rectifier I've decided to replace it with the famous shindengen 847 ( the original unit, not the chinese cheap one ). following the suggestion on other posts I'm using 10AWG wires for red/black wires that will go from rectifier...
  5. g2501

    carburetor diaphragms alternatives

    hi ! I've pull out carbs on my max and during the cleaning operations I noticed that a couple of diaphragms are warped / pinched. They didn't have no holes or rips ( fortunately ) so I can still use them after proper celaning , but I still looked for a replacement part anyway. As Mr. Sean said...
  6. g2501

    oil temp gauge options

    hi all , I would like to mount an external oil temperature gauge on my '96 max, but i need it to be the smallest possible ( ideally 35mm in diam. , like the "Marshall" oil pressure gauge filled with glycerin) and I can't find nothing suitable. I already have the oil pressure gauge mounted and...
  7. g2501

    caliper adapter for 320mm rotor

    a couple of years ago I had to completely rebuild the front braking system, so I swapped the original master cylinder for a brembo RCS , upraded to braided lines and add couple of FZ1 calipers that fit perfectly on my bike ( a 1gen max '96). I had a little accident with the original config (...
  8. g2501

    Rear shocks dilemma ( upgrade or not to upgrade , this is the problem)

    hi everybody, recently I was convinced by you guys to not go on the Upside down fork due to cost and marginal benefits ( if compared to a good upgrade of the original fork) , so I went on that way and I’m pretty satisfied so far. Now it is the time of the rear shocks....looking at the price a...
  9. g2501

    radiator fan upgrade

    Hi everybody, I was thinking about a fan upgrade and a manual switch to better cool the engine. The only supplier of aluminium fan blade for the 1gen v-max seems to be Muzzys Fan # HT-H5 Unfortunately I cannot find this fan at a decent price and the official Muzzys website has no reference for...
  10. g2501

    race tech gold valve issue

    hi everybdy, after searching for something about 1 year for a cheap upside-down front fork conversion finally I convinced myself that an original fork good restoration / upgrade was the best way to go. In order to chieve a good result I changed almost everything except the main tube and the...
  11. g2501

    optimize mods

    Hi everybody, since I had the vmax I was fallen in love with modding , and so far I've installed almost everything I can purchase at an affordable price in Italy. Now I'm struggling in the optimization process because seems that there aren't any skilled mechaninc in my area and I'm forced to do...
  12. g2501

    fuel indicator

    I've read a lot about the issues related to the installation of a fuel level indicator on the gen.1 vmax, and some days ago I've found this on the bay : their website seems to be in maintenance mode , but it's working and seems that they are selling a lot of this product. I know that this...
  13. g2501

    aftermarket lift handle for custom tail

    hello guys, just yesterday I was installing the new mv agusta tail on my vmax , I had some issues with the turning lights ( ended up in purchasing a new smaller set to fit the small holes ) but now I'm in trouble with a big issue : the lifting handle.... I'm a small old guy and for sure I do...
  14. g2501

    rear master cylinder upgrade

    Being an inexperienced rider I made a huge mess with my rear master cylinder. Long story short : I've decided to make some maintenance to the rear master cylinder and ordered the kit. Swapped all the internal parts with the new one and mount it back on the bike. as soon as I tried to pump...
  15. g2501

    oil catch can project

    hi everybody, recently I was wondering if this kind of mod is useful on a Vmax, but being myself not so expert about engines I would like to know what you think about it. Premise : I tried to look around in this forum and on the web , but seems that there is only a pic of a heavy modded vmax...