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  1. MoPure

    During the "shotgun" I noticed...

    ....while blowing air through the mixture screw holes, the air stream coming from PAJ2 starts with a good burst, then slows down. Except my #1 carb. It's just a steady stream of air through PAJ2. On the same token, the stream coming out of PAJ1 seems to be equal on all carbs. When I first...
  2. MoPure

    leaking gas from butterfly shaft

    I checked fiche on ronayers to see if there were replacable bushings or something for the butterfly shafts but didn't see anything. I'm leaking at the ends of the shafts on a couple carbs. Are there bushings in there or do the shafts ride directly in the carb body? If bushings, where do you...
  3. MoPure

    Radiator side covers or shrouds...

    How important are they? I've been running my bike around without the side covers on and it doesn't seem to overheat unless it's real hot out (95*+) and I get caught up in traffic. Once the temp goes up near the first hot mark by the red, it won't come back down once I get moving again. I...
  4. MoPure

    I think I'm getting gas in the oil... again!

    I love my Max, but I'm starting to get real frustrated. Last year, I was getting gas in the oil, so I yanked the motor and put a 1300 in with all the Vmax top end stuff. Rebuilt the carbs, but apparently not very well. I'm running Supertrapps if that matters. I've got 64 miles on this motor...
  5. MoPure

    sorta slow rev, and slow return to idle

    Here's my story. Put max heads/cams etc. on Venture 1300. Rebuilt the carbs. Stayed with all the stock max carb setup, but used the coasting enrichener diaphragms from the venture. Motor fires and runs, but it doesn't want to stay at one idle speed and when I rev it from idle to about 3-5k...
  6. MoPure

    Need help to identify this screw!

    Hey guys. I tore down my max last Aug, and am FINALLY getting it buttoned back up. Did a 1300 swap, carb clean/rebuild, and tons of powder coating. So after having everything apart for so long, I can't remember how the Vboost linkage is supposed to go for sure. And this screw I'm almost...
  7. MoPure

    Rate Obama's first year of ruling America...CBS poll Pretty amazing that CBS is doing this poll and showing the results as they build.
  8. MoPure

    proposed 28th ammendment

    For too long we have been too complacent about the workings of Congress. Many citizens had no idea that Congress members could retire with the same pay after only one term, that they didn't pay into Social Security, that they specifically exempted themselves from many of the laws they have...
  9. MoPure

    CL find Atlanta

    CL find Atlanta... + added NC '85 $1500 '06 $3500
  10. MoPure

    dems and greenies and global warming... oh my!!

    If you or someone you know is borderline on the global warming issue then watch this video or send it to ppl you know. Time to stop the madness, vote the mindless nimrods out of office! It's a HUGE scam!
  11. MoPure

    got this in a email... holy ****!

    Do you see the motorcycle? Now do you see it? The Honda crotch rocket rider was traveling at approximately 85 mph. The VW driver was talking on a cell phone when she pulled out from a side street, apparently not seeing themotorcycle. The riders reaction time was not sufficientenough to...
  12. MoPure

    Harley Touring air shocks?

    Harley Touring air shocks? pics added Does anyone know if these would work well on a max? I would just keep my stockers, but I'm going all black and don't want to paint the shocks/springs. I also think these look better, cleaner. These are supposed to be 13" eye-eye, but I just don't know how...
  13. MoPure

    water passage joints in heads

    While removing the heads from my '85 max motor, I ended up breaking the crossover joint/sleeve whatever it's called. The little tabs that you're supposed to pull on to remove it broke off very easily. Actually kinda crumbled. It looks like new ones are about $15/ea from the stealership...
  14. MoPure

    Why is my oil level rising?

    So I have this strange problem. My bike leaks oil from just about every gasket and seal, but after about a 30 mile ride my oil level goes up about 1/8" on the site glass. This is parked in the same place on ctr stand when being checked. I know it's not adding oil to itself. I drained it the...
  15. MoPure

    Loose at the exhaust pipe gaskets...

    Hey guys! I've got an 85 with 28k and Kerker 4-2. Lately it's been making some odd noises that I've narrowed down to exhaust leaks. I bought new gaskets that go to the heads, but they seemed fine once I started disassembly. I did find that the rear pipes are very loose where they're clamped...
  16. MoPure

    Okay to use radiator flush?

    Did a search and couldn't find anything so... is it okay to use radiator flush in the cooling system when doing a flush, or are you just supposed to use water only? The flush that I got says it's okay to use with aluminum, but I don't know about everything else it contacts in the cooling...