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  1. MrMAX1985

    Engine miss when hot

    My intermittent problem has reared it's ugly head again. When it gets hot and I am driving around town it wants to stutter/miss at idle and when letting out clutch from idle. It acts like maybe some sort of heat sink issue is going on. I have attached a video of it at idle. Checking battery...
  2. MrMAX1985

    Charging issue

    So I started to ride this spring and discovered my battery is not being charged. I went thru diagnostics on charging system and found some bad diodes in regulator. I replaced the regulator but it still only charges to 12.9 vts at 4000 rpms. The crimp fix was already eliminated when I replaced...
  3. MrMAX1985

    Carb diaphragm repair

    I have been battling a stumble/cutout off idle when letting out clutch this past summer. It is worse when engine is hot ( putting around town). If i get it out on the highway and cool it back down it would almost be non existent. I hooked a oscilloscope up to the coil outputs from the ignition...
  4. MrMAX1985

    Jet size 85 vmax

    Hi all, I have an 85 that is completely stock and I pulled the carbs apart for cleaning and found all 4 main jets with 152.5 on them. Is this Ok or should I put 150's in cyls 1&3? "EDIT" 150's in 2&4.