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  1. Davelaf

    Parts For Sale FREE!! 1st gen Radiator Grill and side guards

    If you pay shipping, I’ll send it. Guard is pretty good not perfect, side guards right side has 1 fixable (I think) crack, the left is probably junk? Any hoo, rather someone keep it than me tossing it. Photos are on the 30$ ad. I’m Im not digitally literate
  2. Davelaf

    Parts For Sale 1st Gen Radiator screen with both guards 30$ plus ship

    Hi, not perfect screen, right guard has 1 crack, probably fixable with super glue, I tried, but I didn’t take screen off to do it right, so? Left side isn’t that great, might not be saved, but who knows. 20-30$ plus shipping, from Oregon
  3. Davelaf

    Crash guard bolt

    Hi, I finally put the crash guards by radiator on. They have a V on the emblem, not sure what brand. On the right side, I don't have the new longer bolt that goes through the frame connector and the guard. Does anyone know what size, how long, and what head on bolt should be used. Left side...
  4. Davelaf

    Parts For Sale SHADY EBAY SELLER

    Hi, just letting folks know about a eBay seller, "thepartresource" out of Florida was, at least in my opinion and a lot of other customers, very misleading and shady. I got a rusty VMAX part that looked like it was out in a field for a few years. I contacted them to cancel order before it...
  5. Davelaf

    Parts Wanted Left side Radiator plastic for 02

    Need to replace cracked left. I have the reflectors which are in good shape, so if you have you without it, it is fine. Thanks
  6. Davelaf

    Exhaust, Spark plugs, front shocks QUESTIONS

    So I fouled a plug running the, (sounds GREAT, but POS slasher exhaust) and the plugs are these fancy round thing with an E on the porcelain, brand? I'm going to clean them up, throw some NGKs in see if any difference. So while I'm putting factory pipes back on, does it hurt it to run it LOUD...
  7. Davelaf


    Ola, this has probably been discussed many times already, I couldn't find thread though. My front shocks are in need of ? Seals, hopefully is all, 16k on well maintained 02 bike. My question is, are there other forks I could fairly easily bolt in and improve ride, cornering? The install...
  8. Davelaf

    Sold Found one

    Hello, well I think this is the last part needed. It's been a interesting path since I got rear ended and shoved in a curb, and I guess flew in the air. I thought I had fixed everything and was going on first ride. Uhhh no. So pretty bent front wheel. I needed new rubber anyway. I don't know...
  9. Davelaf

    Parts Wanted Center Stand for 02

    I need a center stand for a 02. There's one in England, but it's pretty rough and then there is shipping. Thanks. I have my old one, so I guess I have the springs, rubber stopper, and what a couple bolts? I haven't taken it off yet. Thanks
  10. Davelaf

    No pressure building on clutch. Rebuild the reservoir master cylinder?

    Hi. I'm getting closer to getting O2 back on road after getting rear ended. Clutch lever reservoir took a beating. I got new cap, filed metal for a good seating. I've tried to bleed it from lower bleed bolt, but pulling lever 5-6 times with it closed pressure doesn't build. Do I need to top...
  11. Davelaf

    Parts Wanted Stator cap, shift lever ft., Stockish handlebar.

    Hi. I was following the law and got rear ended. Feel grateful to be alive. Bike looks straight and I love it. 02 Carbon. Need to know, what I should do with front shocks, seals are blown not sure what else. Thanks for any help.
  12. Davelaf

    Wanted turn signals I got emergency flashers

    Hello. I'm putting some aftermarket turnsignals on to replace two factory and two aftermarket signals. So the later were wired up two wires, one ground, one flasher. Everything worked ok. The factory ones have three wires, one ground, one flasher, one ignition on power. So I just used the...
  13. Davelaf

    Rear tire,. AGAIN.

    Hi. I am about to order a 170/80/15 Pirelli Night Dragon GT. I thought it looked good, the reviews were all positive. Just wondering if any opinions on THIS tire and if it will fit, and if "washer" swap is needed. Seems like a good price to. Anyway thanks for any input.
  14. Davelaf

    Turn Signal Fuse blowing

    Ola, been an owner of super clean 2002, but been wanting one for 30 years. Any hoo, I put a 1000 miles on it, no problems. Then all of a sudden blew two 10 amp fuses and one 15 in rapid succession just riding. I don't recall if I did a action in all three occasions. The first 2, I was in...