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  1. Tmcort

    Powder coating scoops

    Hi fellow Maxers. I have a question I was hoping someone might have addressed. I would like to powder coat my air scoops on my 2006 vmax. I'm concerned that they won't stand up to the heat during the powder coating process. Roughly 400 degrees. Has anyone tried this? Thanks for any help on this.
  2. Tmcort

    Soft clutch lever

    My clutch lever was soft but filled the reservoir and bled the system at the banjo bolt and it feels much better but still dies when I drop it into first gear. Is there another spot to bleed this system. It's a 2006 with only 4900 miles. Thanks for any advice.
  3. Tmcort

    Vmax backrest

    Hi, Having trouble finding a good low profile backrest for my 2006 vmax. There are some online that appear to be cheaply made. Then there are used ones that are overpriced for the condition they're in. Does anyone know have any ideas on aftermarket or Yamaha brand backrests threads for a new...