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  1. Regular Guy

    Video of my VMAX makeover

    Here's the windscreen info : It helps, but if you want something great you have to go with one of the "CHiPs" style windscreens, lol.
  2. Regular Guy

    Video of my VMAX makeover

    Thanks man, it was fun to reminisce while putting that video together. It only took about 30 minutes, enough time to miss having that bike, lol!
  3. Regular Guy

    Video of my VMAX makeover

    As y'all know, I had a 1999 max that I spruced up (with Kyle's help) and then sold it. While sitting here looking at pictures of her, I decided to throw together a little video of the transformation. She was sharp! I know the guy that bought her loves her so that's good to know. I put a LOT...
  4. Regular Guy

    Custom plate advice?

    I never got one for my Max but I did get one for my FZ.
  5. Regular Guy

    Apparently I have an addiction

    Nice trio of maxes! I would love to ride a Gen 2. Kyle once told me that they are 2 different animals (gen 1 and 2). I like the term "Animals", lol.
  6. Regular Guy

    Hi, I'm new here! +vlogging

    Welcome! I can't wait to see your videos. I don't v-log per se but I do slap some cameras on from time to time and record me putting around on my FZ-10 (sold my max to get it!). What camera(s) do you plan on using?
  7. Regular Guy

    Thinking about selling

    Ah, that makes perfect sense. Luckily the Delkevics I put on allowed me to keep the center stand (even though I rarely used it, too much of a PITA to do it by myself)
  8. Regular Guy

    Thinking about selling

    She was a beauty! I've been looking around at other Maxes for sale and it seems that some don't have center stands. Were they not standard on them?
  9. Regular Guy

    Thinking about selling

    Make no mistake, I agree 100% with what you're saying. I got lucky! Just because my bike was in freaking outstanding condition with low miles (7900), I know that I dodged a bullet and thankful that I did! Usually when you invest that kind of money in a bike, you know you're not getting it out so...
  10. Regular Guy

    Thinking about selling

    I bought my 99 Max back in February of last year, so almost a year ago. I live in GA and bought it in SC and paid $3700.00 but then sank a fortune into her to make her the way I envisioned her when I picked her up. By the time I was done I had $6700.00 into her in total. Sold her for $6K and...
  11. Regular Guy

    Check out this guy racing a 2nd gen Max...

    She's a heavy girl but she can roll!
  12. Regular Guy

    Merry Christmas to me!!! - 2008 Corvette

    I am not a Chevy guy but I do love Corvettes! That one is a beauty! Congrats, you deserve it. I am sorry to hear about the other stuff but it will pass and you'll be just fine. Take care and enjoy that sweet ride brother!
  13. Regular Guy

    Haunted House

    LOL! This is a hotly debated subject as it tends to delve into the afterlife and religious beliefs and such BUT.....I strongly believe in ghosts/spirits/demons what have you. I spent part of my childhood in a house that was made haunted. What do I mean by that? Well, it's a long and...
  14. Regular Guy

    New '18 Goldwing

    That's cool as can be! Bikes have gotten so sophisticated though. That's a good thing and a bad thing. I could (with guidance from y'all) work on the Max. The FZ is out of pay grade though! I can change oil but I am not even sure about being able to change the damn plugs, lol!
  15. Regular Guy

    New '18 Goldwing

    New bikes are nice. That's why I got the FZ-10. It's fast as hell. Smooth power, slipper clutch is nice. I just installed the quick shifter on it and love it. Totally different animal than the Max. I equate it to Lenox Lewis while the Max is more like Mike Tyson, lol.
  16. Regular Guy

    2.0 liter v8 with over 200 HP at 13,000 rpm

    That radiator kinda reminds me of my FZ-10.
  17. Regular Guy

    A close friend

    So sorry for your loss. Remember him at his best and forgive him for what he did at his worst. Honor his memory by taking a ride on the Max. Wind therapy does wonders. A good book to read is Ghost Rider, written by Neil Peart (the drummer for the band Rush). It may help you through this...
  18. Regular Guy

    This guy sure is proud of his '85

    To him it's worth that but I got $6K out of my '99 with 7900 miles and ALL of the work I put into it. He might get $5-$6K but not what he's asking.
  19. Regular Guy

    Official VMAX Owners Recipe & Cooking Thread

    Yep. Ree can cook her butt off! Most of her recipes are real easy and I've not made one of her dishes and been disappointed! I even watch her show from time to time, don't judge, lol! :biglaugh:
  20. Regular Guy

    Official VMAX Owners Recipe & Cooking Thread

    Damn right! I make brisket nachos and PP nachos on occasion. Every time I do I wonder why I don;t do it more often. Seriously good **** :punk: