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  1. Kopperhed

    17" rear wheel, does it fit 190?

    Could be a Deget conversion. can't make out the writing, but in one of your pics there is a some script in a recess area on the rim close to the bead. I suspect that might have a clue.
  2. Kopperhed

    FJR1300 DIFF FIT A 85

    offset to brake side.
  3. Kopperhed

    FJR1300 DIFF FIT A 85

    how much longer is the FJR driveshaft?
  4. Kopperhed

    R1 rims on Gen1..?

    Is this guy still around? R1 wheel center too small. Suzuki is the go to.
  5. Kopperhed

    Sold 17 inch wheel Mad Max Yamaha V-Max1200

    5.5" is plenty for a 180, ok for a 190, no notching required. I'm rolling a 200 on a 17x6 Hayabusa wheel in the Otec billet arm, only gripe about that is weight, Kosman filled in the center of the wheel, then bolted on the drive section of the stock rim. The weight of your wheel sounds good...
  6. Kopperhed

    Know your mechanic

    I'll pay the gas for both of you guys to meet up at Truett & Osborne Bike Drags next year........ maybe do a "carb build-off" as a bonus. Or coleslaw wrestling.
  7. Kopperhed

    No frame braces........

    Morleys Stage 3.5 airbox mod, 1275 cc, 11.5:1 comp, PCW ported heads, Megacycle cams, Over Racing 4-2-1. LSL rearsets, Otec billet swingarm, Otec trees w/ '03 R1 front end, solid motor mounts.
  8. Kopperhed

    No frame braces........

    Felt cute, did a thing.
  9. Kopperhed

    High speed weave/wobble

    Solid motor mounts, drop the front forks 1-2" in the trees, get a 2nd adjustable swingarm pin if your rear wheel is more than 1/4" out of line with the front.
  10. Kopperhed

    Final Drive swap

    a Venture Royale dude bolted one onto his '87, so there's that ......... but as previously stated, gears are same as Max, no point.
  11. Kopperhed

    Virago's "Box-O-Rocks"

    best looking, most sensible pipe I've seen on a Virago........
  12. Kopperhed

    Barnett Clutch

    "H" still lists a "60% stronger" stock-style diaphragm spring on Exactrep for approx. $65, for anyone interested.........
  13. Kopperhed

    The chain drive project

    great work. 2 questions.... 1. how has it held up? 2. Is your slip-on output shaft all 1 piece (milled with sprocket) or welded on sprocket?
  14. Kopperhed

    How to: Fix your Vmax's low voltage or charging problems

    how's it going, Jon Harris ?
  15. Kopperhed

    Ditch the carbs

    Truett & Osborne drags coming up......... best dyno there is, MPH on a timeslip.
  16. Kopperhed

    Morley's Jets Setup

    like the man said........ you installed the air correctors, but didn't do the lid modification which is THE REASON you need the air correctors. Takes balls to openly admit you didn't install it right, though.....
  17. Kopperhed

    Need help with Cops--

    apparently they also "slice & dice"....... he's still at it.
  18. Kopperhed

    Electrical gremlins. HELP!!

    My diode check reads out in ohms....... Electrosport says volts, so I don't know how those values correspond......... and maybe my dyslexia a bit, but some of the verbiage on exactly which connector you are testing at seems a little muddled.
  19. Kopperhed

    Electrical gremlins. HELP!!

    I had this same problem 2 months ago..... all charging & ignition components stone stock, except for 6 month old Odyssey batt. Replaced R/R with FH001 (used), bypassed the connectors, hardwired R/R to batt (with an inline 30 amp fuse). Still having intermittent hot start problems, though it...
  20. Kopperhed

    Electrical gremlins. HELP!!

    clear as mud.