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  1. G

    Turn Signal Upgrade Suggestion Video

    I did a quick video on Turn Signal upgrades. It was expensive but very worth it. Motorcycle LED Denali T3 Switchback Turn Signal
  2. G

    Is the fuel light ever supposed to flash?

    According to the manual, my 2020 fuel light will come one when it drops below 1.03 gal. Then it says if you continue to right after Trip F appears, the light will flash. Mine light just comes on, the Trip F automatically appears and the light stays on and doesn't flash....however, I remember...
  3. G

    Gen2 turn signals

    Hands down, Denali T3 switchback, well worth the money!
  4. G

    Black wheels-paint code?

    Does anyone know what the black wheels are color wise? I'd like to touch up a scratch but I tried a general touch up that was a bit glossy.
  5. G

    Parts Wanted Wanted---2nd gen black backrest.....

    Thank you. The thing that tripped me up was that it was from a member here.
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    Parts Wanted Wanted---2nd gen black backrest.....

    Oh wait, now I’m confused…you are saying I’m scamming? For clarity for everyone…I got a private message in response to my post. It’s from a member with just a few posts and it said that another member is selling one and it gave the email address. The other members name cannot be found on...
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    Parts Wanted Wanted---2nd gen black backrest.....

    he’s not saying I’m the scammer, I was sharing how I got a private message that seemed scammy to me. I’m a known member and I’d like to buy a backrest if you have one. How much and is it black on the brackets? I’m looking for the low profile one.
  8. G

    Parts Wanted Wanted---2nd gen black backrest.....

    Should I report the member who sent it to me?
  9. G

    Parts Wanted Wanted---2nd gen black backrest.....

    I got this message, is this a real person on the forum? From a relatively new member telling me to contact another member, whom I can't find on a search: "Would you try to make an inquiry from a member of this forum @battenberg, but I haven't seen him online in a while. He has a few for sale...
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    Parts Wanted Wanted---2nd gen black backrest.....

    Any one have for sale? I'm very interested. Thank you.
  11. G

    How do you carry a passenger helmet?

    What’s the best way to strap a passenger helmet to the rear seat when riding to meet someone who will be a passenger?
  12. G

    Metzler doesn't recommend a tire for us anymore....

    Someone installed an aftermarket set of lower pegs near the mufflers for passenger comfort. They left the higher stock ones too.
  13. G

    Metzler doesn't recommend a tire for us anymore....

    I guess they used to be Z rated in the rear but now H rated. So, I guess that leaves the Battleax and the Shinko left. I ride this bike all year round, daily, 20 minute commutes and I don't push it hard often. I just want to feel more confident and stable in the turns and colder roads. My...
  14. G

    Gen 2 --- Asking for tires recommendations

    my 2020 is due for tires, only has 4k miles, I bought the bike at 2k miles and the previous owner did burn outs, so I can't tell if the OE battleax's are "better" than getting the Metzler ME888? I just want good grip, comfort, and longevity, don't we all? But I don't do burn outs or ride this...
  15. G

    Metzler ME888 rear tire is H rated, why?

    oops, wrong forum, I meant this to be in the 2nd gen and I don't know how to delete this. I'm sorry.