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  1. C

    Right side turn signals stopped working, Gen 2

    Thanks for the link! Good info!
  2. C

    Right side turn signals stopped working, Gen 2

    Thanks, good lead that explains a lot. I did not run anything extra (resisters). Got to check on it this weekend!
  3. C

    Right side turn signals stopped working, Gen 2

    After market blinkers not LEDs been working for a year. All else works OK.
  4. C

    Right side turn signals stopped working, Gen 2

    Left side OK, Hazards on left work, dash light flashes either side. Disassembled turn signal switch... serviced, same issue. Thanks for any advice.
  5. C

    Neutral light on at start up, goes out if a few minutes.

    2014 Max, Neutral light on at start up. Goes out a few minutes after riding. Will not come back on till overnight cool down. Tank indicator shows, "?" on gear selection to neutral after light goes. When in Neutral (displaying error) kick stand movement will shut down bike. Anyone have...