Its official - Thunder 2013

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You all know I didnt have the only RED bike there! and that they say everyone has a twin.:confused2:
A twistedmax dopelganger. One is hard enough to handle. Lol.........mike
A twistedmax dopelganger. One is hard enough to handle. Lol.........mike

Main Entry: dop?pel?g?ng?er
Variant(s): or dop?pel?gang?er \ˈd?-pəl-ˌgaŋ-ər, -ˌgeŋ-, ˌd?-pəl-ˈ\
Function: noun
Etymology: German Doppelg?nger, from doppel- double + -g?nger goer
Date: 1851
1 : a ghostly counterpart of a living person 2 a : double 2a b : alter ego b c : a person who has the same name as another

Damn , this explains a lot , thanks Mike!
Rick All i can say is :rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200:
Ricky ricky ricky im still :rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200:
ghost riders!

I'll be back next year in full force with this event in hand! BURN THEM UP FOR ME IN MY ABSENCE. I expect to see the footage and the po po showing up for sure!

Rick are you going to join us friday morning for a long ride. We will be leaving by 8am till around 6pm. Tom lee todd dennis i think brian and others are going.
Mike wakes up at Thunder to an eerie fog outside..........:ummm:..............Oh wait!.........It's just Rick smoking off another tire by Mikes hotel room door!.............:rofl_200:................Tom.

Who's leading this ride? I would like to list it up on the Thunder agenda for those who want an all day long ride option too....Please let me know!


Rick are you going to join us friday morning for a long ride. We will be leaving by 8am till around 6pm. Tom lee todd dennis i think brian and others are going.
I gess who ever is out front. It wont be a planned route. I will have a idea on gas stops and we will head that way. We want to see as many twistys as we can.
Ok, so this is a rogue ride unplanned.....I will not have the VMOA sanction it then.



I gess who ever is out front. It wont be a planned route. I will have a idea on gas stops and we will head that way. We want to see as many twistys as we can.
Here is the official VMOA thread for Thunder 2013 on vmaxforum:

All of the VMOA information is at the link below with a link to the agenda within(which hasn't been posted as of yet).


OK....I thought you guys might have been talking about an "unofficial" agenda like the "private" bike ride.....maybe a BBQ or two.....wet t-shirt contest somewhere in town.....i dunno.... :eusa_dance:
The rouge route is coming togather. The route is 6hrs riding and 265 mile so far. It will start and end at the hotel. With gas stops and food it will be a solid 8 hour ride. Im still looking at what to stop and see so it might be a 10 hour ride if we want to stop and see who knows what.....Mike