key code

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Mar 25, 2011
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Miami Florida
I found a label on the ignition bracket w/what looks like a key code, and I am in-need of a key. I was going to take the cyl to a local locksmith that will make a new key after disassembly for $60, does anyone have info on what Yamaha (if Yamaha) charges to duplicate a key from the code? This is the format: letter, five numbers, space, number, letter, letter. I believe this is probably the key-cut code? And, of-course I have the title. Thanks.
Yep, thats the key code you need. I had one cut about 5 years ago for my 85 and they charged $12.50 but I'm sure they are much higher now. Be careful with that sticker on the bracket mine was beginnig to peel off when I pulled the switch to get the code. I wrote the key code in my owners manual so I will always have it. On another note my 04 Max did not have a label stuck to the bracket and it looks as though it never had one, so I got Steve-o to get me some blanks so I can have an extra key made for my 04. As you can see there are several variations for key in the pic.


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Thanks, Joe. I am gonna call the local dealership tomorrow and hear the news.

I think you said you moved the plane to avoid damage, is it going to stay north for awhile? And you did OK otherwise? After Isaac... . We got 7" of rain which is an inconvenience only, no damage to my home, but there were uprooted trees & broken branches. Saw a pic of a big tree across a M-Benz locally, in Miami FL.
The only thing about dealers is they typically suck at cutting keys. The key cutter is also the kid looking up parts on the computer. I've tried both local Yamaha shops, and both made me keys that didn't work. They tried again, and I got one that would work if you jiggled and got it "just so" you could turn the ignition, but it would take a solid minute of fiddling every cycle to get it to catch, so I gave up.

Took my original key to a locksmith and they made a dupe that worked perfectly the first time. But a locksmith will also charge you much more to create a key from the cylinder than a dealer will to cut one from code.
We got a lot of rain, a few homes damaged and several trees down in our little town. We actually never lost power in my neighborhood but I had all Vehicles full of fuel and that included 2 generators, fuel cans and the RV which held quite a bit of fuel also. The plane is still up north but have plans to get my wife drive me to where the plane is this week end and move her back to the home base here. Hope your key cut comes out well, you may want to take your fuel cap with you to make sure they have cut the key right if you don't have the ignition out of the bike. Joe
Yeah, I removed the ignition. Let's see what the dealer will charge.

Glad you weathered Isaac OK, Joe.
Just spoke w/Broward Motorsport, Davie FL, $19.00 + tax. Key code is a letter and then five numbers. Should be done tomorrow if I can remember to bring the code w/me to work! Assuming they have a correct blank of course. I am gonna bring the cyl w/me so I know it works in the ignition before they cut it. He claimed the additional letters or numbers after the letter/five numbers , did not refer to the correct key blank. OK, I dunno, we'll see tomorrow! "Same Bat-time, same Bat-channel!" (for the Boomers among us... . Ya hadda be there, sorry Gen-X'ers!)
As a professional locksmith I can tell you for sure the first letter tells which key blank that's to be used mines a 92 and it starts with a C then the numbers are the rest of the code.5 numbers if you don't have any luck send me your code by pm and I'll look up the code and make the key. I'll just have to make sure I have the right blank but I can get it if I dont. Let me know, Ed
Ok, I have a report on key duplicatiuon services at Broward Motorsport in Davie (pronounced, "Day'-vee":biglaugh:). Greg, the kind of guy you want to wait on you, 38 years in dealerships, took one-look at my ignition cyl & bracket which I was holding, and asked, "how many keys do you want for that VMax?"

He went upstairs to the parts inventory, came back w/the two key blanks I asked-for, picked-up the mechanical tool and went to-work. In less time than it took me to ogle the '12 VMax in the showroom, my keys were ready. I also spoke w/"Larry," a mechanic who works there, and whom I have known since he was a teenager, working at another shop, just starting-out as a mechanic. I'd guess he's in his 40's now.

He asked me, "do you still have your '87 FZR1000?" I replied in the affirmative. He split from the parts counter, and came back in a couple of minutes w/an old pic of his '89 FZR1000 into-which he had dumped a ton of $$$. 1040 cc kit, undercut & cryogenic-treated tranny, Falicon crank, YZF race kit cams, head reworked by one of "Superbike Mike" Keyte's employees, & etc. He claimed it turned 165 HP and was radar-timed at "over 190," it had a 'Zuki SRAD 750 rear tail section, and a rider w/a big set of 00's, him. He still has it but doesn't ride it much.

So, my demand of the Broward Motorsport crew was minimal. Hey, all I bought was a couple of keys cut to the code on the bracket, $23 out-the-door. I got to shoot the breeze w/ a couple of long-time bike industry guys, and it was painless.

Oh yeah, when the parts counter guy returned w/the keys, he tried them in the lock and it wouldn't insert fully. I told him it was a used bike I had just purchased, and I was merely trying to get the key so I could begin to work on it. For all I knew, the old key was broken-off & still inside the cyl. He grabbed some PB Blaster, shot the slot full and gradually, the key finally went-in, and the switch worked (after he punched it-out). He didn't have to do that, and while he was working on soaking the cyl, he explained how to open the back and to use a small screwdriver to remove the spring pin on the opposite end and how-to remove the lock barrel out the top, and to 'be careful you don't lose the pieces,' and then I would be able to remove a key fragment if indeed there was one lodged in there. There wasn't, just a stiff mechanism that probably hadn't had any lubrication since before crossing the Pacific Ocean in a crate, after assembly in October 1985 (the bike's build date).

I thanked the guys and left, and made a beeline to my friend's shop where the bike is being stored. I was especially interested in seeing if the locksets for the gas cap and the faux tank cover were functional. The gas cap was as-stiff as the ignition cylinder had been. It got the PB Blaster treatment too, and eventually yielded a view into the tank, a fair amount of surface rust, gonna have to see what closer inspection shows down the road. The airbox locking cover worked 'no-issues,' so now I have full-access to the bike, and can begin to explore its faults. I will be calling Kyle for some used parts. :biglaugh:

And, in the spirit of assisting a brother, thanks to those who offered help via PM. I appreciate the offer, and will keep your contact info on-file for the future.
Looks like I'll try my local stealership to see if I have any luck with mine. My code starts with an "A". I'll report back but my have to get Firemedic to help me out! My one key I got with # 0134 has a bend in it and could go any time but since I rebuilt all my cylinders, they work like Buttah !!!!

When in doubt...Gas it !!!

When in doubt...Gas it !!!
As a professional locksmith I can tell you for sure the first letter tells which key blank that's to be used mines a 92 and it starts with a C then the numbers are the rest of the code.5 numbers if you don't have any luck send me your code by pm and I'll look up the code and make the key. I'll just have to make sure I have the right blank but I can get it if I dont. Let me know, Ed
Hello are you still making keys?
He's still active on here, send him a PM (private message, upper right corner), click on the envelope.
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He's still active on here, send him a PM (private message, upper right corner), click on the envelope.
I typed up a little message for him but when I clicked on start conversation I'm getting an alert with an error saying I can't start a conversation with him?