Remove top cover and side scoops.
Unfasten float bowl vents from air box:
Lift coolant reservoir and hang off to the right:
Unplug fuel pump for safety:
Sorry for this one. Kloker things I'm hot so I figured I would tease him a bit:
Loosen 3 screws holding left side heat shield on:
No need to unhook the throttle cables:
Loosen screw holding fuel feed line to carbs. Slide fuel hose off. Put rag underneath to prevent mess:
Push hose behind frame cross bar and prop up to prevent any leakage:
Drain the float bowls into suitable container:
Now, put the fuel collected back into gas tank. I'm a cheap ***!
Loosen top screw of carb to manifold boots. One per carb.
Remove plastic chrome "H" covers. You'll need to re-sync when done:
Start with one carb and pull up firmly to get out of boot. Work your way around until all four corners are removed:
Life up on coolant hose and push over right side carbs to prevent the carbs being hung up on it:
Carefully pull carbs out left side. Be carefully of crankcase breather and vboost servo cable. Feed float bowl breather tubes out the left side under the clutch line. Careful with the throttle cables!
Turn carbs upside down and hang on left side nub for the top cover. You can see it in the center of the carbs:
Get 10 mm wrench and remove brass nut to gain access to main jet:
Check the o-ring on the nut for cracks and wear. Replace if necessary to prevent leaks:
Ah, there is the main jet! Boo-yah!
Use the appropriate flat head screw driver. Make sure the blade fits perfectly in the jet slot.
Loosen the jet 2-3 turns. Use a toothpick to finish it. Make sure it's tight! If it falls you have to break open the float bowl to retrieve it. Do the other 3 carbs just like this. Swap the jets of your choice!
Here's the vboost adjuster. Might as well check the vboost sync!
Turn on the key and turn off once vboost cycles open. Use a couple of fingers as shown here to make sure valve is full open. If it's not open all the way, loosen screw in previous picture and move it forward or rearward depending on how it's currently set.
Carefully turn carbs back over and re-position over the boots. Make sure the drain hoses didn't get caught or pinched anywhere. Again, be careful of the clutch line and vboost servo cable. Here I'm wiggling the drain hoses to make sure they weren't caught or pinched:
Now, firmly push the carbs down in the boots. Make sure the boots weren't pinched. Here I'm showing that the ridge on the part of the carb that fits in the boot is even with the boot:
My family telling me to hurry the f*@*@ up!
On the left side make sure you reconnect the rubber heat shield to the electrical heat shield using the tabs and slots:
Reconnect the fuel pump connector and turn on/off the key several times to re-fill the float bowls. Make sure you closed the drain screws!
Re-tighten heat shield bolts and tighten carb boot clamps. With the coolant reservoir off make sure breather fastens to bottom of air box.
ALWAYS RE-SYNC after removing carbs. As you can see, mine are off now:
Better, but I'm a perfectionist:
Here we go!
We're done, it's beer time!
Unfasten float bowl vents from air box:
Lift coolant reservoir and hang off to the right:
Unplug fuel pump for safety:
Sorry for this one. Kloker things I'm hot so I figured I would tease him a bit:
Loosen 3 screws holding left side heat shield on:
No need to unhook the throttle cables:
Loosen screw holding fuel feed line to carbs. Slide fuel hose off. Put rag underneath to prevent mess:
Push hose behind frame cross bar and prop up to prevent any leakage:
Drain the float bowls into suitable container:
Now, put the fuel collected back into gas tank. I'm a cheap ***!
Loosen top screw of carb to manifold boots. One per carb.
Remove plastic chrome "H" covers. You'll need to re-sync when done:
Start with one carb and pull up firmly to get out of boot. Work your way around until all four corners are removed:
Life up on coolant hose and push over right side carbs to prevent the carbs being hung up on it:
Carefully pull carbs out left side. Be carefully of crankcase breather and vboost servo cable. Feed float bowl breather tubes out the left side under the clutch line. Careful with the throttle cables!
Turn carbs upside down and hang on left side nub for the top cover. You can see it in the center of the carbs:
Get 10 mm wrench and remove brass nut to gain access to main jet:
Check the o-ring on the nut for cracks and wear. Replace if necessary to prevent leaks:
Ah, there is the main jet! Boo-yah!
Use the appropriate flat head screw driver. Make sure the blade fits perfectly in the jet slot.
Loosen the jet 2-3 turns. Use a toothpick to finish it. Make sure it's tight! If it falls you have to break open the float bowl to retrieve it. Do the other 3 carbs just like this. Swap the jets of your choice!
Here's the vboost adjuster. Might as well check the vboost sync!
Turn on the key and turn off once vboost cycles open. Use a couple of fingers as shown here to make sure valve is full open. If it's not open all the way, loosen screw in previous picture and move it forward or rearward depending on how it's currently set.
Carefully turn carbs back over and re-position over the boots. Make sure the drain hoses didn't get caught or pinched anywhere. Again, be careful of the clutch line and vboost servo cable. Here I'm wiggling the drain hoses to make sure they weren't caught or pinched:
Now, firmly push the carbs down in the boots. Make sure the boots weren't pinched. Here I'm showing that the ridge on the part of the carb that fits in the boot is even with the boot:
My family telling me to hurry the f*@*@ up!
On the left side make sure you reconnect the rubber heat shield to the electrical heat shield using the tabs and slots:
Reconnect the fuel pump connector and turn on/off the key several times to re-fill the float bowls. Make sure you closed the drain screws!
Re-tighten heat shield bolts and tighten carb boot clamps. With the coolant reservoir off make sure breather fastens to bottom of air box.
ALWAYS RE-SYNC after removing carbs. As you can see, mine are off now:
Better, but I'm a perfectionist:
Here we go!
We're done, it's beer time!