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  1. 7

    Blew up my Max

    Well I toolkmy 85 Max on a road trip (well that was the plan) Got 125 miles in & Something went horribly wrong. (if anyone has a clue what please chime in) All the gears work & the clutch feels fine but when you get a load on it it feels and sounds like gears are skipping (like a super loud...
  2. M

    Blew off the dust......

    Gday all. We had our first round in our season yesterday. I was working, but a mate needed a ride for the first meet. His 1640 Katana was still waiting on assembly with the new billet block, his son's GSXR750 longbike still isn't ready from the off-season (something about me not completing his...
  3. bazwell

    BOOM! Hagan's car blew an engine...