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  1. Miles Long

    Darwin awards - ALABAMA candidate

    I can imagine how the conversation went...... Foreman- Listen up, y'all, we be needin' a volunteer to go knock down that littl'old smokestack. The company boss says who ever dood it will get a DARWIN AWARD! Billy Joe - Ain't never heard of Darwin, but I ain't never won any awards. The...
  2. Rollie

    Democrat Candidate Search Continues

    You can't make this stuff up !
  3. GREEN light BLITZ

    Found my candidate for hypercharging!

    Ok so i mentioned before i was planning on doing this project in preperation for getting a Morleys Muscle Jet Kit and now Ive found the way! These Hyperchargers run on a single vacuum port and cost at a minimum $150 bucks....I have a guy im picking this one up from on Saturday for $30 I run...
  4. Thevmaxrider

    My platform as a candidate for VMOA President

    All, In respsonse to posts in another thread that asked about having candidates for VMOA elected positions post their vision/platform they have for the election I decided to post what I see as my priorities should I be elected. In no particular order of importance (they are all important and...