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  1. Falaholic

    Re-clearing the clear coat on scoops

    The clear coat on my vmax scoops are spider webbing, and I wanted to ask the advice of the veterans. I'm thinking of stripping the clear coat using aircraft stripper. My only concern here is if it will discolor the scoops. If so, will a simple buffing restore the color, or am I looking at...
  2. SledHead

    Backrest clear coat cracks

    The quote "NOS" backrest that I bought on eBay has the infamous clear coat cracking issue. What is the best way to restore this? What is the best way to remove the old clearcoat? Can I use a rattle can of clearcoat to respray it? Does the rattle can stuff work very well? I will...
  3. C

    Todd step away from the powder coat gun....

    Here is a small batch of parts I just did. Now I have to put it all together ..... Todd
  4. lawman504

    Clear coat coming off

    Can anyone tell me an easier way to get clearcoat off of my sissy bar and stock grab handle other than wet sanding? I have literally sanded my fingerprints off of some of my fingers on my right hand doing part some of it. :mad:
  5. J

    How long to wait to clear coat exhaust after painting?

    I painted the exhaust with VHT 2000 degree paint and bought some VHT header clear coat. I've read for other paint jobs to sand the paint to smooth it then do clear coat. Is the header the same? I'm guessing super fine sand paper to smooth it out then clear coat. Would I just wipe with a...
  6. J

    Too clear coat headers or not?

    I just painted my headers aluminum colored paint. It looks fine, but would be nice if it was smoother. Has anyone painted then added clear coat to give it that finished look? I just painted today so maybe after it cures and I heat it up a few times it will wear smoother with a washing. The...
  7. A

    Some paint and powder coat questions

    I picked up my '86 max about 7 months ago. I paid $1700 for a mechanically sound bike that was missing a bunch of random small parts and was wreched cosmetically (spray bombed). I've slowly been getting the bike put back together properly and now I want to strip and paint it. I'm pretty set on...
  8. gamorg02

    awesome clear coat

    just wanted to pass this along. i used this stuff on my wife's kia this weekend to do some body work and its amazing. after getting the paint matched from the local paint store we clearcoated it and within a couple hours of buffing it looks better than the factory finish: spraymax 2k clear...
  9. slobmanrf

    Ideas for quick clear coat removal

    Hello Friends,Im wondering if anyone has a faster method than sanding, for removing the factory clear coat from the aluminum on the mighty max?? Thanks for any and all suggestions....Rob
  10. Fire-medic

    Tourmaster Transition 2 coat Currently on-sale here for $189. Matching pants avail. I just got back from a "70+ mph" ride on the I-95 in south FL by Ft. Lauderdale Airport. When I got home I checked the...
  11. 1967vmax

    Powder coat (chrome color)

    I was talking to a guy who does powder coating and he says that now powder coating has some stuff that looks like chrome BUT he has yet to use it so my question anyone out there know anything about a chrome look alike color???:ummm:
  12. a113ycat

    MotorCycle Leather Jackets

    Hi, I was trying to keep up with the other thread and kept getting lost:ummm: I decided to post up on this thread with the pictures... The sizes vary so please PM me with what color and size you are interested in if at all and we can go with it from there. I have both mens and womens...
  13. O

    Powder coat temperature resistance

    What kind of paint/coat can be used for the engine? I was thinking that I'd powder coat it. But will the powder coat be able to sustain the repetitive heat ups and cool downs of the engine? I'm especially worried around the exhaust ports where it is going to get VERY hot.
  14. gamorg02

    cleaning out O2 bungs after ceramic coat..

    I just got my system back from being coated and the O2 bungs need to be cleaned out. Since I don't have an 18mm tap laying around should i get this...
  15. yukonerdave

    Removing clear coat

    I'd like to powdercoat most of the aluminum parts on the front end (fork brace, triples, etc.). I'm wondering how to best remove the clearcoat in order to prep the pieces. Bead blasting is working, but I've got a small compressor and its taking a long time. Also, should I reapply clearcoat...
  16. max_caper

    Ceramic Coat

    Hi all, Would anyone know how much I'd expect to pay to have my header pipes ceramic coated? I know that prices differ from place to place but just looking for some numbers. Cheers, Blaine Williams Ontario, Canada
  17. Redbone

    Clear Coat question?

    I have a question about clear coat on my faux tank. When I put on my magnetic tank bag it leaves impressions inthe clear coat. Does that mean that not enough harder was not used in the clear coat mix? I use a magnetic tank protector to keep the magnets and paintwork separated for now. If more...
  18. shawn kloker

    vmax coat

    Did you see the vmax coats on ebay? I would like them more with out the yamaha so big. I have a Joe Rocket ballistic that my wife bought from Sean Morley That I really like with the...
  19. Robbarrie

    What's the trick with clear coat ???

    Hey guys, I polished some parts which look pretty good, however when I sprayed with clear coat which is recommended - it now looks like ****. All spotty and now I'm totally pissed off. :damn angry: What's the key or trick to spraying clear coat ??? Will the spots buff out after it's dry ...