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  1. rhoke

    Thunder in the sand. 2010 Conesville, IA

    Hello, Everyone this is coming up and have never been the wife and i have been wanting to go the last few years and havent had the chance. This year we would like to go. JUST WONDERING IF ANYONE WAS GOING, CHRIS, JEFF??? LET ME KNOW. On another not. I still need a way to get you back...
  2. N

    Conesville, IA Labor day weekend

    Its an early post, but I thought I would get a general idea of who is attending it this fall. I plan on going and I will have my wife too. I know quarterhorse is going also. Jeff? Nathan? You guys going again? I want to come down Friday morning/afternoon and come home Sunday. I had a really good...
  3. QuarterHorse

    Anybody doing Conesville this year? (Not dial up friendly)

    Just curious, I think a few of us are headin' down Friday and comming back Sat night after the drag races.