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  1. MagnaVMax

    Worthless, Disgusting, and Sad!

    Someone want to pay this guy a visit and introduce him to the meaning of blunt force trauma? http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=317760394930031&set=a.164713593568046.28704.151223081583764&type=1&theater http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhzQf2yrTBI&feature=youtu.be Absolutely Pathetic...
  2. ninjaneer

    Disgraceful and Disgusting

    NJ Soldier's Remains Dumped in Landfill
  3. satariel666

    How to make a bike disgusting...

    Something to say?rotfl :rofl_200: http://www.otomoto.pl/index.php?sect=show&id=M1527076
  4. yukonerdave

    DISgusting fuel filter

    Finally got my new fuel filter in the mail the other day and I had a chance to switch it out this afternoon. I never did check the old one, just assumed that it needed to be changed. Looks like I was right... Pretty gross. I've replaced it with a shiny new one, but do I need to worry about...