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  1. Traumahawk

    Drill Bit size

    Edited for content
  2. Traumahawk

    Drills and springs

    Are the drills and springs from a stage 1 kit, and a stage 7 kit the same....or are they different? If they are different....then which ones bigger, and what size are they?
  3. rebar

    Vacuum advance port. How to drill & tap

    Vacuum / nitrous port. How to drill & tap So my new intake manifolds don't have sync ports.. or anything drilled and tapped for the vacuum advance. Can anyone give me some tips on drilling thin cast aluminum and tapping threads?:confused2:
  4. G

    drill stock exhaust sound

    :grinch: I' m a first time newbie on here. Does anyone know of a video link that would let me hear sound of stock exhaust with the 1 inch hole drilled out of center, also what exhaust sounds like with the 5 holes drilled between baffle rivets? Any help is appreciated, and thanks in advance...
  5. mabdcmb@yahoo.com

    To Drill or not to Drill (Slides) and other stuff

    I bought my Muscle Jet Kit to go with my Marks 4-2 exhaust. I am close in my tuning procdures but I have yet to do all of the steps as suggested by Sean. I was leary on drilling the slide because of negative info I found on this site. So I did a search, I talked to Sean, and I come up with...