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  1. 1st Shirt Maxer


    We just had an earthquake here on Guam. Initial reports showed a 7.1 and 15 minutes afterward everything was back to normal. we had no damage on base and minimal reported damage on island. its amazing because the last time I heard about a 7. anything in California, half the damn city was in...
  2. Bill Seward

    Japan Earthquake parts availability?

    So anyone hear if the Harley-Davidson(tm) factory is suffering from any parts shortages due to the quake?
  3. maxcruiser

    New Zealand earthquake

    Just seen some of the news footage of the earthquake in New Zealand. Hope that all our members and families/friends are making out ok. Mike
  4. kaboom


    HOLY ****!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think we just had an EARTHQUAKE!!!!!!!!!! Yes I am serious.........REALLY freaky.......