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  1. CodeRedd

    Finishing Toasted... Suggestions?

    Hey VMAX Team! Been loving the first week of my New (to me lol) 1998 VMAX 1200. Finally started working on some of the cosmetics and Lighting upgrades I want to tackle. The bike I purchased is mechanically sound from front to back, but the guy very practical and was not concerned about keeping...
  2. dij0674

    A Big Thank You to Sean Morley for Helping me Finish What I Started

    This is a post three years in the works. I started a Vmax rebuild project three years ago, and got in way over my head. Sean was great with advice, parts, and answered all of my questions. Long story short, I rebuilt my motor, and it blew up in 500 miles...As you can imagine I was not very...
  3. zippo6

    Restoring faded finish on Fenders

    Hi gang, My front and rear fender need some attention. I don't know how the PO owner maintained the bike, but it appears as if it was left outside in the sun... A LOT! The faux tank looks great, but both the fenders look horrible. I would like to try to restore the finish on them without...
  4. N

    corroded aluminum finish

    Ok I am trying to figure what to do about all this splotchy aluminum on my 86. Highly polished or painted seem like the most obvious answer, but I think I like a machined finish better. Or even the factory finish. What has everyone done with theirs? Any good ideas?
  5. S

    engine finish

    Can anyone tell me what the finish of the 2007 engine/frame is? Matte? Satin? Wrinkle? ( i am thinking not) Want to re-finish my 96 gloss engine to the 07 look. Thanks Ski