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  1. dannymax

    U S Capitol in lockdown....shots fired!
  2. NHVmaxpower

    Should he be fired????

    This dummy posted this video on you tube from our last storm. After going viral the dummy was fired lol
  3. gleno

    Jack the Chihuahua dies by Taser, gunshots fired

    This can't be real. Can it???? The whole story sounds retarded. June 10, 2009 01:53pm A YOUNG boy is still "barking" for his dog to come home after police tasered, then shot dead, the family pet on their...
  4. QuarterHorse

    Fired the heater in the garage up

    And started cleaning the bike up from last weekends ride. As I was out there and done with the quick clean up, I decided to start on the new forward controls. This is where I made myself stop as I have to get up at the butt crack of dawn, well actually before. Tomorrow I'll hit up the...