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  1. Zeus36

    May the Fourth be with you... Happy Star Wars Day!

  2. C

    My third, or maybe it was my fourth Vmax.... can't remember

    [/URL][/IMG] Found this picture today of it. 1986 with stage 7 carbs, Dale Walker exhaust ( no can's on in this picture for some reason ), few other odds and ends. That bike ran a best of 10.80-90 range. I ll have to see if I can find a time slip for it some place. I had this one at the same...
  3. ninjaneer

    Happy Fourth of July
  4. dannymax

    Happy Fourth Everybody

    Hope everyone has a great Fourth, have fun and be careful. There are plenty of idiots out there driving HUA, be on the lookout! HUA?-----HEAD UP *******!!!! :sleep: dan