gen 1

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  1. A

    Parts Wanted Backrest & Luggage rack for Gen 1

    Hello, Looking for Backrest & Luggage rack for a Gen 1 i know its a long shot but id really like to acquire one. Also interested in any upgrades in seats that may be better than factory. Thanks!
  2. cfullmer

    85 Restoration/repair

    I have an 85 VMax that was a restoration project that the person gave up on before i got it. the engine is fully drained and electrical disconnected. I have all the parts except one shell part. I would love to get it running again, i do most repairs on my car and other bikes before but starting...
  3. A

    1st Gen V-Max New member bike info and pics

    Hi, I an in Sydney Australia and am a Mechanical Engineer with a trade background. I have had a black 96 VMax since 2014 and am the 3rd owner. A few upgrades done before me are: Heads shaved 12:1 compression. Ported Mild cams Heavy duty clutch spring Stiffer progressive from fork springs. 4 into...
  4. A

    New member

    Hi, New member from Sydney Australia. Had a few bikes over the years and chalked up around 350000 km on bikes. Always wanted a VMax 1200 I like the look, and cult culture with nearly all bikes modified to suit the riders style. Purchased in 2014 a black 96 Aussie model after looking fro a good...
  5. iraqvet750


    I WOULD FIRST LIKE TO THANK those who responded to my query regarding finding stock mufflers for my '85. The issue raised two minor, potential complications -- i.e. black vs. chrome endcaps, and whether the '85 mufflers were less restrictive than newer iterations. With these and other factors...
  6. DustyMc

    New Supporting Member

    Kind of a long intro, but you'll see why I'm supporting at jump street. New to the VMax as well. I used to ride a Maxim many years ago, but I couldn't afford a VMax as a young Airman in the late 80's. I remember when the VMax came out, and reading all the reviews in magazines. I've always wanted...
  7. dij0674

    Motorycle For Sale Custom Gen 1 V-Max Blackout For Sale

    Hi All, I have a Blacked Out V-Max for sale. I've had some medical issues and can't ride anymore. The bike needs an owner that can ride and is ready for many miles. A word of warning, this is fast and powerful bike, 105 lb of torque and ~160 HP. I've added a few pictures, and have a full album...
  8. dij0674

    Motorycle For Sale SOLD - 1985 (1st year #444) Vmax For Sale New Pics/Video Link Price Drop $4000.00

    Hi All, I haven't been very active on the forum for a few years, hope everyone is doing well, I've had some medical (low back and neck) issues that have stopped me from riding. My father in law is at a point where he can't ride anymore either, he's asked me to sell his V-Max for him. He's the...
  9. StanVM2007

    Valve adjustment - when?

    So, got my 2007 Vmax in 2016 with 26k km on it. Now hitting 50k km in 2023. Runs good but not as good as it used to. The only thing is it takes a bit longer to have the smoothness, which is until fully warmed up. And it takes a bit longer to reach stable idle at 1000 rpms after cold start. After...
  10. Denci

    Parts Wanted Looking for COPs setup

    Hey guys I am looking for a set of COPs, My bike is a 1998 so my understanding is I don't need to run resisters. If anyone has a set please let me know. Also I would prefer Denso over Mitsubishi. I have a slight stumble when I punch it. It doesn't happen if I am just rolling on the throttle just...
  11. D


    HEY ALL, LOWERED PARTS LIST PRICES I have taken your advice and lowered the prices on the attached list of parts for an 89 VMAX that I am parting out. As a comparison, I have listed the price for the parts according to the average cost on and next to my asking...