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  1. S

    International shipping needed

    I'm after a pair of mufflers but the seller wont ship to Australia. Would one of you guys be able to receive them and then ship them down to me ? Obviously I'll cover ya costs plus a bit extra for your trouble. Many thanks.
  2. hijacker

    2014 Progressie International Motorcycle Show

    I went to the International Motorcycle show Saturday 1/4 with my dad and brother. I took the gopro to get some clips to put a video together, I had intended it to be about 5-6 minutes long but there were was just too much stuff to see. So here it is, a quick walk around of the some of the...
  3. Redbone

    Progressive International M/C Show in Michigan

    January 3 - 5 (Friday - Sunday) is the Michigan Progressive International Motorcycle Show in Novi, MI.. The show starts at 3 PM on Friday and runs till 8 PM then reopens at 10 AM on Saturday. I'm buying my ticket online with the VIP option so I get let in early (Sat Only), the tour and t-shirt...
  4. Lotsokids

    International Motorcycle Shipping - Suggestions?

    Hi y'all. I'm back - It's been a while. I was in a horrible car crash on December 19 that almost killed me. My jaw was shattered and multiple skull fractures. It's a long story, but I'm healing well. My wife keeps saying I should ship my V-Max from Tacoma, Washington to Hungary where I live...
  5. S

    International postage help wanted

    Please could someone do me a huuuuuge favour and receive and post on a small parcel ? It's an 8" diameter Ali deck plate that is going to be an inspection panel for my new fuel tank. It's kinda 'future proofing' the design. The tank will be powder coated and sealed inside so the last thing I...
  6. hijacker

    International Motorcycle Show - Novi Feb 2013

    Is the VMOA going to have a booth at the International Motorcycle Show in Novi, Michigan on February 1-3, 2013?
  7. timscues

    International Motorcycle Show 2013

    The Calander for the Ineternational Motorcycle Show for 2013
  8. m-cman

    Progressive International Motorcycle Show

    Went to the show today in Dallas. Think it is the first stop on the show tour. I go every year and this was the best in quite a few years. Lots of nice bikes and booths. The 2011 V-Max color looks much better in person than in the photos. Very metallic gray color. Looks good. The HD XR1200...
  9. coffee_brake

    International Motorcycle Show in D.C.

    Anybody going to the show coming up in the D.C. area? I worked as a volunteer at the show while it was in Greenville SC this weekend. I thought it was well worth admission (although as a volunteer I got in free). My ******* rode the Concours up three hours from...
  10. max_caper

    2nd Annual N.E. International Pizza Run?

    Any thoughts about a Second Pizza Run or other ride(s) in NY or Michigan? Looking forward to the 2010 riding season with the new toy. The boss says I can start planning my 2010 vacation times any time! Blaine
  11. dannymax

    1st Annual N.E. International Pizza Run

    It looks like there is going to be a fall ride up here in the northeast!! :clapping: Here's the deal....The plan is to meet up in Syracuse, NY (exact location to be established) and ride up I-81 to US RT # 11 and end up in Canton, NY. MapQuest says it's about 2 1/2 hours, 130 miles. (Cop...
  12. R

    Toronto international Bike show

    it was a great show this year... huge amounts of people. They closed the parking lot at the international center at 11am on Friday because they filled it! Same on Saturday.. Got to visit my friends at Pro6 and Riders Choice (great for sport and track day services) as well as see all the cool...
  13. Zewerr

    Sept. 19 be International Talk Like a Pirate Day!!!

    I forgot about it last year, and was so bummed out that I set a note on my calender reminding me for this year. This morning, my phone beeped and I got excited, telling everyone at work that tomarrow is talk like a pirate day!!! So ready up. Freshen up your pirate vocabulary tonight, in order...