
VMAX  Forum

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  1. NHVmaxpower

    met 2 forum members

    Last night I had the pleasure of meeting Frank fmcandrew on here he's doing my powder coating. Today met Steveoooo std354 he came and synched my carbs my wife cooked him lunch then went for quick blast to the highway. Great guys is all I can say and I want to thank both of them. Now we all b ed...
  2. The Beekeeper

    Met another Maxer today!

    Finally met up with DaMax from GR this afternoon, went for a nice 60 mi ride, ran into some rain but nothing too bad, he's one of our younger Max riders at 24 but handles it well and isn't afraid to tap the V-Boost! was a pleasure meeting and getting to know him a little, looking...
  3. CaptainKyle

    Met a cool guy

    I met a really cool guy tonight he is a good machinest & had some cool stuff in his garage. I could not take pictures of it all. He has an Isetta some col Rc planes a norton commando an early 58 enfield the year they tried to market them as an Indian Chief & some other stuff. We hit it off good...
  4. The Beekeeper

    Met and rode with a new Maxer tonight

    Met leecifer tonight, has a nice 2000 carbon Max, along with my buddy Joe we went on a 60 mile round trip ride south of Grand Rapids, had a great time!.............Looking foreward to helping you with your mods and whatever else you need Lee, I think you will enjoy meeting the rest of the west...
  5. alorio1

    I never met one Veteran who enlisted to fight for Socialism

    Only 31 words --- Think about it Isn't life strange? I never met one Veteran who enlisted to fight for Socialism I PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG, OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA , AND TO THE REPUBLIC FOR WHICH IT STANDS, ONE NATION UNDER GOD, INDIVISIBLE, WITH LIBERTY AND...
  6. Hatter

    Met a new VMaxer in my town!

    So I was going to Wally World the other day, and when I pulled up to park, I noticed this couple in a minivan staring at me, from across the lot. I figured that they either A) had a Max at one time, or knew someone that did. Or B) were trying to figuire out just what kind of bike it is since...
  7. vmaxinID

    I just met another!

    I was just filling up next door at the Sinclair Station, and low and behold as I walk out what do I see? A 2001 stock Vmax fillin' up at the pump! The guy is very cool, he just moved to Blackfoot from somewhere in Iowa to retire. I will work on introducing him to the Forum, and all the...