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  1. Fire-medic

    collect military equipment, become rich!

    Here's something I bet surprised the new owner: "Open my diesel tank for a big surprise!":eusa_dance::eusa_dance::punk::clapping::surprise::thumbs up: I hope it's true.
  2. dannymax

    Slick Willie's amazing military career

    Part of hilldabeast's attraction is "two presidents for one" eh? Think we've had enough of this clown! Subject: Amazing Military Career BILL CLINTON'S AMAZING MILITARY CAREER…!! Oh! You didn't know he had a military career? Bill and Hillary got a combined $20 million for their soon...
  3. O

    Military & Veterans check in!

    Just curious who all here is military or a vet... I'm in the Army, 8 years now and counting with 1 tour in Afghanistan (2012)
  4. J

    Obama's Military
  5. lastwhiteman

    advanced military equipment

    India rolls out it's latest advanced APC/Rocket Launcher
  6. SpecOps13

    Bill Clinton's Military Service?

    Oh! You didn't know he had a military career? Bill & Hillary got about $12 million for their to-be written memoirs. Here's some help for them since their memories are getting old. BILL CLINTON'S MILITARY CAREER Bill Clinton registers for the draft on September 08, 1964...
  7. M

    Arab military technology

    The latest
  8. M

    Just another slap in the face to our military

    Arrogance, Pathological narcissism, Ignorance, Inconsideration. Choose whatever word anyone would want to describe the callousness of this person who tragically, occupies, at times, the White House. Yet he sent his personal representative to Ferguson, Mo. and got involved in still another...
  9. SpecOps13

    Our Military Needs Your Help....

    I hope anyone who has military background, or is an American, will forward this. Received this today from a friend. If you are not a veteran send this to those that you know who are, or to those who may know veterans. (The 2014 United States elections will be held on Tuesday, November 4, 2014...
  10. frank5079

    Military motorcycles...

  11. tothemax93

    Civil War military Benefits Interesting artical. Who new :ummm:
  12. SpecOps13

    Military Endorsements for Presidential Candidates

    Obama's Military Endorsements: General Wesley Clark, USA, (Ret) General Colin Powell, USA (Ret) Major General Paul Eaton, USA (Ret) Admiral Donald Gutter, USN, former JAG of the Navy, (Ret) Admiral John Nathman, USN, (Ret) Mitt Romney's Military Endorsements: Admiral James B. Busey, USN...
  13. C

    A lot of Active, Former and Retired Military here

    Just thought I'd share a bit of "Gunner Pride" and let those that don't know some General Rules for working with or being around Navy Gunners :biglaugh: Rules for Working with Gunner’s Mates RULE # 1: Always trust a Gunner’s Mate… they only lie for your own good. RULE # 2: Never under...
  14. dtoebaert-5311

    Victory supports US military

    OK, tried to post this on, but now I get a message 'not allowed to post on this forum' ?? Being logged in and all ?? Anyway: Hi Guys, True I'm from Europe but from some posts on this and the other forum (when will they be one??) I gather most of you guys feel warm-heartedly about...
  15. ghostntheshell

    Military Suplus Ammo..

    Hey Americans.. Are you guys having trouble finding Mil-surplus Ammo? I can't find any .30-06 or 7.62x51mm Seems to have run dry :(
  16. 4gasem

    Let's Say Thanks to our Troops!

    Hey all, Please take some time and go to this website and send an email to our service men and women. They are lonely and missing their families and every little bit helps. It only takes a few minutes out of your day to do this.