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  1. srk468

    More props for Morley's muscle..

    This could have been my transmission or cases... Sean talked me out of a heavy duty driveshaft because he told me "your gonna break ****, might as well be cheap ****" thanks again Sean, if I had been running a HD shaft there is no doubt in my mind that I'd have broke something much more...
  2. acammer

    rons09 - Great guy. Props to the Vmax community in general.

    Got to meet up with Ron (rons09) last night. First of all, thank you again for the grab-rail, the piece was in excellent shape and the price couldn't be beat. Secondly, thanks for the conversation, it was nice just shooting the breeze a bit, doing a little Vmax learning, and getting to know...
  3. Rusty McNeil

    Props to KJ Shover

    Props to KJ Shover on his recent, multiple submissions to the Vboost magazine..... Excellent work KJ, especially the back two pages. Nice photography. Rusty