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  1. S

    Quest for better gas millage

    So I am trying to figure out why I am only getting like 90 miles til my fuel light. I started with trying to check my float bowl levels the right side seams fine but than tring to check the right I couldn't get gas to come out the tub. It would leak out by the screw if I unscrewed it enough I...
  2. SpecOps13

    Quest For Gen II Continues....? Need Input.

    Some of you have been following my desperate attempt toward buying a specific 2011 Gen II. The serial number is my birth year. I didn't win the lottery so I went to the dealer today and met with the Sales Person that I've known for roughly 15 years. The price isn't really the hold up now. It's...
  3. K

    Quest for better handling suggestions.

    What I have done so far; 17" wheels front and rear. 120/60-17 Pilot Road 2 - front 180/55-17 Pilot Road 2 - rear Progressive springs up front with Ricor Intiminators. Tightened steering head nut. OK, now the speed wobble is gone, but still have a wobble at speed when I hit a bump/dip...
  4. ghostntheshell

    the quest to jack up my bike...

    As some of you may know, I got some custom paint done! As some may also know - I have the old hindle exhaust 4-1. Where the pipes sit ON TOP of each other, instead of side by side. I am hoping to jack up the bike and remove the front wheel (and also I'm installing a fork brace while it's off)...