So, I'm scrolling down the main page to find Sean's vendor forum and its not there. Refresh, and its not there. Whats up with that. I see maxgasser, tyga, vmaxguru but no morley. Maybe I'm crazy. I'm not seeing his banner up top either................:confused2:
i got my seat back from sean the other day turned out great i feel like i am sitting in the bike now instead of on top. Sean was a hugh help last year with me emailing him when setting his jet kit thanks again Sean
Seans jet kit with 162.5 mains , stock needles with 1 shim , and a kerker exhaust with the comp baffel made the bike a beast . the top end pull is great . Anyone on the fence about this kit its great mod
after the vmoa gathering in topeka ill be taking a small road trip up to see sean and have him throw in his jet kit and what not. just curious what numbers to expect? doesnt matter what they are really im going no matter what. just curious :rofl_200: