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  1. Fire-medic

    how I spent a couple days

    I disassembled and cleaned/rebuilt a set of carbs. The enrichener plungers were very-sticky, but overnight in PB Blaster and they surrendered. I use an ultrasonic bath and a soda blaster, and whatever won't fully-release gets scotchbrite pad work and/or a bench grinder wire wheel. I hope to...
  2. johnblaid

    How much money have you spent on your VMax?

    Now THIS Thread deserves to be pinned. LOL You need to state only the year and the amount (include the original purchase price) and whether or not your bike is ride-able at the moment. you may say anything else but you need to at least include those two pieces of info. Here's mine 1986...
  3. Fire-medic

    Hungry 'Max Mod Monkey? $ spent here instead

    An article from the Nat'l. Marine Manufacturers Assoc. said the #1 state for recreational boating is FL, #2 CA, #3 MI, #4 TX, & #5 NY. That's by expenditures. FL was 15% ahead of CA in total $ spent on recreational boating, and appropriately led the nation in registrations of recreational boats...
  4. srk468

    Some of the best money I've spent on my Max yet..

    Just got my new luggage rack from MtnMax/Magniac today and I gotta say the thing is a work of art! I mounted it in about 10 min and now I can fit my cooler on my bike for the ride to work plus my carry on bag fits good too so I'm all good for road trips! I definitely recommended picking one up...
  5. O

    Money well spent

    Just got my bike back from PCW in Schenectady NY the run down: -Marks 4-2-1 Exhaust with a huge baffle -Dynojet stage 7 jet kit -K&N idv. filters for stage 7 -R/R carbs, clean and inspect, adjust v-boost and balance install Stage 7 -Dyno Tune for stage 7 -standard carb joints -Golden...
  6. E

    Is my Odyssey PC680 spent?

    Hi folks: Bought a special Odyssey charger for my 2-year-old PC680, and charged it fully per the charger's instructions. Keep in mind that the battery was completely removed from the bike, with NO attachments (I pulled it it out and it was't touched for three days.) Here are the results...
  7. dannymax

    Spent the day at PCW

    Took the '99 to PCW for a dyno/adjust/dyno day. My sync was off just a touch, and the v boost needed a slight adjust The final dyno run produced 117.1 HP & 79.6 Ft #'s of torque! Only changes are, Mark's pipes, needles shimmes .038", a/f out 3 1/4 turns each, COP's & vacuum line mod. BTW...
  8. gunrunner

    How much have you spent on your Max

    I have been researching all the mods you can do to Max . I would like to know the $$$ fellow boosters have spent ?:rocket bike: