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  1. 9

    Stumbling at 5k rpm.

    Stage 1 needles, 170 mains, has air correctors, {I think, see pic down below} K&N pods, 4 into 1, needles currently on 5th from dull end, I've tried 3,4,and now 5th clip down, 4th seems best but why can't I get rid of that cursed stumble at 5k ? I'm stressing.
  2. A


    Hi Guys, was hoping to get some carb tuning advice for I'm stumped. I'm getting some pretty good stubmling around 5500-6000 rpms when I whack the trottle from about 5500. Its not consistant though, does it about 80% of the time (seems to have gotten worse with change in mains). I just got...
  3. G

    stumbling max HELP!

    hello um im having this problem with my vmax. ok it idles perfect but if u hit the throttle it will just stumble and die but if u hit the chock it will rev up :confused2: i just cant figure it out ive tried everything