My 1990 Max has been giving me problems since mid-last summer. I'm a daily rider but learning to wrench as probs arise. Not the best situation but it's reality. So... I've had a charging problem since spring last year. Bought new battery and all was well for two weeks or so. Then the new battery died so I started putting it on trickle charger every time I wasn't on it. That'd give me about 15min of ride time before speedo light goes out, which I quickly learned was how the bike warned me that total electrical shutdown was imminent. Sometimes the tach needle would start just flying all over the place even tho the revs weren't. Then shutdown. Just put an aftermarket regulator/rectifier on it today and started it for the first time in 3 weeks. Sounded good to this noobs ears but could be down a cylinder, for all I know. Straight pipes on the bike so it's LOUD. Neighbors hate me. Also have gas in the oil periodically. So as you can see, this is a total mess and I'm flying in the dark, here. Anybody brave enough to offer to try and sort this clusterf**k out will have legendary status in my small life.