Well-Known Member
Well the dirty carb bitch finally bit me! Took the day off to go on a ride with the wife, and about 5 minutes into it, the bike develops a slight miss and pop at steady throttle. After about 10 minutes, it goes away and then comes back about 2 hours later. I took the advice here and let the "peashooter" and "shotgun" have a go at it. I had to remove the factory brass plugs from the mixture screws, and when checking the factory settings, I noticed that #1,3 and 4 were 1&3/4 turns out, while #2 was 2&1/2! Why the big difference in adjustments? Did Yamaha intentionally richen #2 cyl from the factory, or was a line worker half asleep when he set that carb? Anybody here have the same situation? The spark plug from #2 looked no different than the other plugs which leads me to believe it was an intentional mixture setting from Yamaha. :ummm: Confused.....Bob
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