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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2012
Reaction score
heres a pic of how i bought my max.
it was hand painted, with a 4 inch brush with the most awesome gold paint.
I did all the work myself, it took about 18 months.
And it goes great!!


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LOL....with a title of *************...my first thought was this probably needs to be posted in the burn out pit...lol

I'm glad that you were able to bring the bike back to how it should be.
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LOL....with a title of *************...my first thought was this probably needs to be posted in the burn out pit...lol

I'm glad that you were able to bring the bike back to how it should be.

I thought the same thing... and we opened the thread anyway :whistlin:
Good job on bringing the max back, looks great
Ok I will ask was the guy you bought it from a ********:ummm:? I cannot believe someone would actually think it looked good like that ..they even painted the tires wtf:looser:
you did wonders from what it was good job:clapping:
the chap had a nasty fall of a second story roof, was in a coma for a while.
when he woke up, the hospital released him and he did some strange ****.
he now lives in a cared home, i bought the bike off his brother who was selling all his stuff to pay for the care. real heavy story, sad way to buy a vmax, getting the gold paint off was difficult. im not keen to repeat the process.
Yes, I must ask, how exactly did this happen (the gold paint)?

If I showed up to buy that bike, I'm going to be looking for the seller to knock off a few bucks. And include at least 1 gallon of indoor/outdoor touch up paint.
the chap had a nasty fall of a second story roof, was in a coma for a while.
when he woke up, the hospital released him and he did some strange ****.
he now lives in a cared home, i bought the bike off his brother who was selling all his stuff to pay for the care. real heavy story, sad way to buy a vmax, getting the gold paint off was difficult. im not keen to repeat the process.

True...that is a bad story....BUT, you brought a Vmax back from the dead, they are too good of a bike to sit off in the corner falling to pieces.
He is french he doesn't know the expression "*************" i think... LOL... it was well used though...
He is french he doesn't know the expression "*************" i think... LOL... it was well used though...

I thought the French invented the *************....Marquis De Sade novels deploy its use frequently...

Leave it to us Americans to invent "The Chicago Steamer"
Does anyone know who the frame braces are made by? Do the mounts near the seat weld on to the frame?

i got mine from john furbur at rocky mountain vmax, yes they have a welded tab. i copied the location off a yamaha venture. other mount theirs higher.:biglaugh:
Well, I have to say, that's one of the most hideous misuses of our favorite bike, and a sad story to boot. I'm glad you were able to rescue it. I think only a (picture of a) submerged bike could top this, if it could be restored post-drowning. The guy w/that ridiculous car hot-rod scoop in-place of the faux tank cover was a close second to this in the"bastard child of a brain-damaged tweaker and a crack ho" category.
My oldest brother had a few year long "episode" in which he kept bringing mannequins, lamps, furniture and other miscellaneous items home and painting them by hand in the most horribly garish colors possible.
He's all better now tho....
Well, I have to say, that's one of the most hideous misuses of our favorite bike, and a sad story to boot. I'm glad you were able to rescue it. I think only a (picture of a) submerged bike could top this, if it could be restored post-drowning. The guy w/that ridiculous car hot-rod scoop in-place of the faux tank cover was a close second to this in the"bastard child of a brain-damaged tweaker and a crack ho" category.

I think a close third can be found in the exhause noise thread. Someone had custom fabbed headers that would have looked HIDIOUS on an Arlen Ness bike from back when he was doing whole sheets of acid at one time.
Many thanks for the positive feedback.
Since I had my 2001 vmax, I had four other bikes, now I'm back on a max, abit a 89.
But probably goes better, certainly handles better. Best thing I did was was the ohlins shocks and racetech forks, much smoother and handles any bumps.
I did have the front lowered internally by 20mm and the rear by 8mm. Putting a radial tyre on 110/8018 bt30 lowered it another 20 mm, now it's a bit fidgety at high speed but turns quickly with ease.....
Again, thanks for your comments, visit NZ and let's do a photo shot!