I searched, but maybe i searched with the wrong keywords? :ummm:
What else would I need? Can I re-use the '85 calipers? I'm looking at a '93 wheel with brake rotors on ebay and am thinking on it, but am on a pretty tight budget. My bike will need new rotors soon anyway, so I'm gonna have to fork out some cash sooner or later.
Your input is appreciated!
If the '93 wheel you are looking at is fitted with '93 rotors and no-body has changed that fact, the rotors will be 298mm. Your '85 is fitted with 282mm rotors.
The lower fork tubes on the '85 will mount '85 calipers for the stock 282mm rotors but they will not mount '93 calipers. The calipers are different sizes and have different mounting points on the forks.
The '85 rotors and the '93 rotors have identical mounting holes on either the '85 or '93 wheel but you will find that the '93 rotors will be too large a diameter (298mm) to be accepted to the '85 rotors mounted to the '85 lower fork.
If you want to run the '93 wheel on your '85 bike, your choices are;
1) Run the '93 wheel with the '85 fork and use your stock 282mm rotors (or suitable after market rotors of the same diameter). This is your least expensive option.
2) Obtain '93 calipers (or equivalents) and suitable caliper adapter brackets to fit them to the '85 fork so you can use the '93 wheeel and the '93 rotors you have seen on ebay. This is your next most expensive option.
3) Swap the '85 front for a complete '93 front end (yoke, triple tree, forks 43mm, rotors and calipers with the dished '93 wheel). This is your most expensive option.
After these options you are talking big bucks for front end changes.