Allegorical Symbolism in "The Resignation of Eric Holder"

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Well-Known Member
May 6, 2013
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Denton TX
This Epic Motion Picture, which was released today, is one of the most disgusting historic movies I have ever seen...but it was well done.

Eric Holder Represents The Assistant to the Anti Christ, who realized that he's going down and going to end up in jail with a bunch of black people when he's not really black for the rest of eternity.

So he runs and cries like a little girl who's hello kitty lunch box (already devalued due to the factory's revelation that kitty is not a cat, but a little girl) and resigns, hoping to avoid prosecution.

I won't reveal the surprise ending but Don't be shocked if Eric ends up in Argentina or wherever all the Nazi's went after WWII

His character symbolizes what the assistant of a man with no ass at all can do and do badly. Obama symbolizes something but I can' speak of it here.
Don't kid yourselves. His resignation is a timed and orchestrated event. I suspect that this play has been on the books for awhile. The administration just wasn't sure when they would need to call it.

With the federal court now ordering the release of the Fast and Furious documentation by 10/22, BEFORE the mid term elections, Holder had to be cut loose and distanced from the administration/party to ensure that any legal **** storm does not directly strike the administration or the Democratic party...right before the election.

The Lois Lerner card (of destroying or hiding massive amounts of incriminating evidence) has already been played. Neither congress or the American citizens would believe another "hard drive failure" for the loss of more documentation. Additionally the DOJ has already admitted to having that documentation or redacted specific facts. They were hoping that the court would not compel them to turn that documentation over.

While I doubt that all documentation will be supplied, namely anything that link F&F to the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. I think there is a possibility that there is enough that Holder may find himself facing indictment on criminal charges.
...can't have a sitting member of the administration indicted....gotta cut him loose before then.
Exactly, and Al Sharpton wants to help the White House pick the next U.S. attorney general , what a ******* joke or should I say CIRCUS.........
Breaking News: Religious Leader and professional ******* AL SHARPTON will be advising the president on who to put in as the next attorney general. Evidently AL was a constant adviser to Holder himself.

Me, I think the head of the Arkansas Ku Klux Klan would make a great AG.

and if not him, at least Ben Carson.

But probably neither of those guys will be on the short list.

Probably the head of the New Black Panthers or their attorney will be chosen.
Oh Damn...another reporter broke the story before I did.

God...I'm so fired. Mabey I can be the next AG
Eric Holder's resignation could be a move to make him eligible for a higher office – Supreme Court justice.