[email protected]
Well-Known Member
So would this work to fill a deap scratch on a side scoup? Could you chrome over this without problems? What was the site on ebay?
Go to Ebay and search for "aluminum repair rod". A bunch of different ones will pop up. I bought the Alumaloy brand. 1/4# for $9.99
You may have a hard time being able to perfectly blend the weld into the parent material. I noticed a tiny hairline where the two met. I probably could have made it disappear, but it would have taken time and I really didn't need this part to look good.
I have no idea how it would hold up to chroming. I know it took some time with a handheld propane torch to get the aluminum hot enough to melt the rod and it didn't grind down any easier than aluminum so it seems pretty durable. Personally, if I were going to go thru the expense of chroming I would find someone with a real welder to lay down a bead for me and I would dress it in. I'd hate to have a $200 chrome job F**d up because of a $2.50 repair.