America's worst drivers

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Mar 25, 2011
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Miami Florida
No. 1 Miami

Spending too much time checking their hair in the rearview mirror? These Floridians ranked near the top for their good looks, fashion savvy, and cocktail scene. But all that eye candy can get distracting. Locals didn?t impress voters with their street smarts: Miami ranked as the city with the worst drivers.

:clapping:We're #1!

I think Boston has worse drivers. My older brother said it's the only city he's ever been in (he lived there 35+ years) where the drivers behind you honk at you if you don't run a red light-and I ain't talkin' a 'right turn on red after stop,' I mean a straight-ahead red.

In defense of Miami's ^&%$$#!!* drivers, being deserving of the recognition, today I was in a 15 mph morning school zone and a young male driver in a blue Civic behind me wanted to get somewhere else in a hurry. He was behind me at a 6-lane red light. When the light turned green, he tried to whip-around me onto the shoulder and power past driving down the swale, in-front of the school! When I refused to get out of his way, he tried to swerve around me to the left, but traffic next to me kept him from doing that, so he went-around them too, totally out-of-control, just a danger to all the other road users. Unfortunately, because it was after the time when students would have been crossing, even-though it was a 15 mph zone, there were no police present. The guy went screaming by me finally, to my left, like he was in the World Drifting Championships and then had to scream profanities out the window to make-sure we all knew he 'meant business.' He then did his best to break 60 mph before he finally left the 15 mph school zone. Too-bad there was no LEO present to give him multiple citations. Anyone who drives like that probably has other moving violations outstanding, and a record of careless or reckless driving. Hope he is removed from traffic before he kills a bunch of kids trying to get to school.
I've done 90 in a 15mph school zone before. I was rather pleased with myself that I had done six times the limit. It was actually because there was one of those "your speed is" radar signs when it dropped from a 45 to a 15, and I wanted to see if I could peg it at 99. Unfortunately there wasn't enough room to get that fast, my best pass it showed 90.

It was like 1am in summer though.

While I'm sure everybody has stories about how drivers in their locale (or from a neighboring state) are the worst, I'll have to put another vote in for Boston drivers. Called "massholes" for a reason. The rest of the state isn't bad, but get near the city, and hoo boy it gets pretty nuts. I'd certainly never buy a new car if I lived there.

NYC isn't much better though. I've experienced the "expected to run red light" honking...after 3 cars in front of me had already run a solid red.

I used to wonder why NJ drivers drive so fast all the time, until I had to drive through NJ and found out why. Their "freeways" are gridlocked probably 6 hours a day. I made it 2.5 miles in an hour on a 4 lane highway. When I finally made my way to an exit and took surface streets I was doing around eighty at all times, so I kind of understand why the "yellow plates" in NY absolutely cruise on the highways.
"Anyone who drives like that probably has other moving violations outstanding, and a record of careless or reckless driving. Hope he is removed from traffic before he kills a bunch of kids trying to get to school."

Every time I see someone doing stuff like that, I figure sooner or later he (or she) is gonna kill themselves. I just hope when it happens, they don't take anyone else with them.
I've done 90 in a 15mph school zone before. I was rather pleased with myself that I had done six times the limit. It was actually because there was one of those "your speed is" radar signs when it dropped from a 45 to a 15, and I wanted to see if I could peg it at 99. Unfortunately there wasn't enough room to get that fast, my best pass it showed 90.

It was like 1am in summer though.

While I'm sure everybody has stories about how drivers in their locale (or from a neighboring state) are the worst, I'll have to put another vote in for Boston drivers. Called "massholes" for a reason. The rest of the state isn't bad, but get near the city, and hoo boy it gets pretty nuts. I'd certainly never buy a new car if I lived there.

NYC isn't much better though. I've experienced the "expected to run red light" honking...after 3 cars in front of me had already run a solid red.

I used to wonder why NJ drivers drive so fast all the time, until I had to drive through NJ and found out why. Their "freeways" are gridlocked probably 6 hours a day. I made it 2.5 miles in an hour on a 4 lane highway. When I finally made my way to an exit and took surface streets I was doing around eighty at all times, so I kind of understand why the "yellow plates" in NY absolutely cruise on the highways.

We have a couple of these signs here but a friend of mine who actually sets these up for the local council has these set to a maximum of 56mph for the single of reason of ruining my fun. I made the mistake of telling her I was going to see if I could get them all to flash at 99 in a single day (we onlt have 3 for the entire county), got a phone call the next morning to let me know, and she was telling the truth lol.
hahha I have set the high score on a few of those portable your speed is ##, and I too did late at night / early morning and I found a police officer sitting near those a few days later around the time I done so. I would never fly in a school zone, my best friend in the world was killed at school walking his son to school with a crossing guard, and had been waved to cross when a car came out on them from a turn speeding and running over him and his son. The person never stopped keep going and was caught a day later. I bet now he would have waited and had a clear path and not gone flying in the school zone. The way I figure it is a school zone and there are going to kids in that area and parents taking their kids to school, traffic there is going be heavy and I will get through it. I also do not like to speed in neighbourhoods either for the same reason, you never know when a child is going to blindly run in to the street. I have stood out in my street when I have heard a vehicle running fast through my neighbourhood before to stop them from speeding. The neighbourhood is used by many as a cut through and they do not have many stop signs to slow down for so they do tend to drive a little faster.
Where I live has decided that "traffic calming" is how to control the drivers. They narrow the streets, re-contour the road paths to make them meander and not-straight, and install things like roundabouts (traffic circles) and "sleeping policemen" (road bumps or "speed tables"). In some areas around here you get one of these devices every-other block.
Hey we made it on the top 10 list We are # 6 :clapping: for Dallas Fort Worth :eusa_dance:
it'd be funny as hell if those signs had a "high score" window.

"Your Speed"

"High Score"

