Well-Known Member
- customizedcreationz
Sender Information
Userid: 316
User Name: customizedcreationz
What is your name?: Todd McKechnie
Request Information:
Award ID: 2
Name: Nice guy award
Description: Forum user who always helps out a fellow VMaxxer
Recipient username : Vmax-Mike
Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.
During the coarse of my accident, both Mike and his wife Michelle kept tabs on me and even setup a pay pal account to help me out. Mike has checked in with me more than as a friend. We talk quite a bit, but I can tell he was just making sure I was hanging in there.
Mike speaks his mind, we all know that. But I will say one thing to you guys that don't know him that well. When **** hits the fan, he is the kind of guy that will have your back. If he tells you he will do something, he will damned try his hardest to make it happen the best he can. There aren't many people left in this world that I can say that about. Mike is one of them hands down.
Sender Information
Userid: 316
User Name: customizedcreationz
What is your name?: Todd McKechnie
Request Information:
Award ID: 2
Name: Nice guy award
Description: Forum user who always helps out a fellow VMaxxer

Recipient username : Vmax-Mike
Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.
During the coarse of my accident, both Mike and his wife Michelle kept tabs on me and even setup a pay pal account to help me out. Mike has checked in with me more than as a friend. We talk quite a bit, but I can tell he was just making sure I was hanging in there.
Mike speaks his mind, we all know that. But I will say one thing to you guys that don't know him that well. When **** hits the fan, he is the kind of guy that will have your back. If he tells you he will do something, he will damned try his hardest to make it happen the best he can. There aren't many people left in this world that I can say that about. Mike is one of them hands down.