I placed this topic under general because I'm not sure, although I have an idea of where the specific problem lies. I just bought a 2005 VMAX anniversary edition. It has 9000 miles, always garage kept and looks brand new. When I bought it, it ran perfectly without any issues and I decided to buy it within the first 10 minutes. When I got it home, I did the typical once-over and then decided to take it out for an extended ride to get a feel for what it may need going forward in order to be reliable as well as in a state that didn't put the mechanics of it in jeopardy. Everything checked out perfectly, except for the fact that the right exhaust suddenly develops this occasionally popping, definitely a light backfire. It's only from the right pipe so I bring it in, check the carb linkage and then check the plugs - the plugs were finger tight and I mean all of them only finger tight. I pulled them and verified they looked to be in good shape, cleaned them up on the wire wheel, blew them out, light oil and back in but this time finger tight with a 3/8" drive. I figured "that's gotta be it". Nope, still backfires, very lightly but noticeable out the Kerker slip-on. So then I begin adjusting the choke back down a little and pushing it in a bit and wow, the backfire stops. I think I know what it is, but anyone else have any suggestions? I assume that by maneuvering choke linkage the problem probably won't be rectified by a gas treatment. Other than that, the bike runs and rides amazing and I can't believe I finally got one after all these years.