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Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2008
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HAd my bi yearly appointment withthe eye doc. I get to wear bifocals:bang head: Anybody else have them and how are they on the bike? I still hae 20/20 vision and they are mostly for near stuff, and probably wont' wear them ont he bike. but Won't know till i get them. Middle age sucks so far.
If you only need them for reading, I wouldn't bother wearing them when you are riding.
I got some 3 years ago and can't wear them, I trip over **** and misjudge distances too much, all I really needed was reading glasses anyway, with some very mild middle distance correction. the bifocals really **** me up when I'm walking and look down through the bifocal part, and cause neck strain when reading or working on the computer cause the bifocal is too low and I have to tilt my head back, plus tilting your head back makes your mouth come open and you look stupid....

Do your self a favor and just get tow pairs of glasses with different scripts....

I wear OTC reading glasses now when messing with fine print stuff and nothing at all otherwise unless I'm sitting in a deer blind or something..I still have 20/20 out past 15 feet or so so no big's the 40 year old age disease that's kicking my ass with the closeup work reading small nameplates etc. or when I got my head squezzed in a tight space and can't back away from what I'm trying to see....
I got some 3 years ago and can't wear them, I trip over **** and misjudge distances too much, all I really needed was reading glasses anyway, with some very mild middle distance correction. the bifocals really **** me up when I'm walking and look down through the bifocal part, and cause neck strain when reading or working on the computer cause the bifocal is too low and I have to tilt my head back, plus tilting your head back makes your mouth come open and you look stupid....


too funny. I can take them back in 30 days if i do't like them. Get them next week. I have reading glasses now for work and they are a pain, thats why he said get the bifocals. We'll see. Probably wont' wear them while driving.
If you can keep your Max up-right & shift gears at the same time, the glasses will be no problem.
I wear them & I admit, I'm addicted. Regular glasses are worthless now because I can't see up close with them. Normally, I wear contact lenses all day with a pair of +150 readers for anything up close. Which is almost everything involved with my job as a fleet mechanic. It's a big pain in the ass, but it's true. When I get home in the evening & I'm just wearing glasses, bi-focals are my only choice.. Never wore them on my bike yet, but they're nice when driving my truck. I can see who's calling me on my cell or change the radio station or dial up a CB channel. It really sucks when I'm hunting & I have to wear them to read my GPS or compass. I don't consider myself old yet ( 46) , but it sure sucks having to have worry about the proper glasses in my pocket at all times just so I can see the simplest things. I shouldn't bitch - at least I still have my eyesight. The advantage of bifocals over contacts is that with bifocals you always have your glasses on anyway - just tip your head up & everything's clear. After a short time you'll be so used to them that you won't want to be without them. Sucks getting old, doesn't it ?
too funny. I can take them back in 30 days if i do't like them. Get them next week. I have reading glasses now for work and they are a pain, thats why he said get the bifocals. We'll see. Probably wont' wear them while driving.

Yeah, I should really have taken mine back, but going to take care of it was such a pain in the ass I blew it off.....

I've considered progressives too, just not willing to spring the dough righ now since not really needed much anyway...buddy of mine didn't have much nice to say about progressives tho.
I wear them & I admit, I'm addicted. Regular glasses are worthless now because I can't see up close with them. Normally, I wear contact lenses all day with a pair of +150 readers for anything up close. Which is almost everything involved with my job as a fleet mechanic. It's a big pain in the ass, but it's true. When I get home in the evening & I'm just wearing glasses, bi-focals are my only choice.. Never wore them on my bike yet, but they're nice when driving my truck. I can see who's calling me on my cell or change the radio station or dial up a CB channel. It really sucks when I'm hunting & I have to wear them to read my GPS or compass. I don't consider myself old yet ( 46) , but it sure sucks having to have worry about the proper glasses in my pocket at all times just so I can see the simplest things. I shouldn't bitch - at least I still have my eyesight. The advantage of bifocals over contacts is that with bifocals you always have your glasses on anyway - just tip your head up & everything's clear. After a short time you'll be so used to them that you won't want to be without them. Sucks getting old, doesn't it ?

I'm 46 too and what's really amazing is how quickly this inability to focus on closeup things happened, think it started at about doctor told me it's not really even the eye lens etc, that it's the eyeballs hardening and becoming tougher to squeeze or strecth into the shape the eye muscles are trying to pull to get the right focal distance between the lens and retina, I still have 20/20 in distance but this arms length **** pisses me off, my job is similiar to yours in technical nature and need for glasses, I've got quite the collection of readers, magnifying glasses, magnifying sheets and credit card size thingies....lotta important tiny **** to look at.....

My dad always said old age wasn't for sissies
I have the progressive ones (no line) and have no need for distance lenses. So their mainly for reading. When I first got them I had a real hard time with them and kept going back... finally the doctor told me. Put them on and leave them on! LOL... It took a while and finally my brain accepted them and now I can wear them anywhere. Strange how that works.
Almost broke my neck going down my basement steps when I first got them but now I am used to them I wouldn`t go back to the regular ones.
I do have a pair for the computer though as the Bi Focals make you try to read with your head back but for reading and watching TV at the same time or riding the max and looking at the speedo and tach etc they are great. I also have a pair of tinted ones for our short summers.
I also have the progressive ones. Been nearsighted most of my life. Wore glasses or contacts. Mid 40's and I found that I had to take off the glasses to read or get reading glasses with my contacts. The progressives took a long time to get used to but are well worth it.
I still remember the first time after getting my bifocals I was pissing out behind the shed and looked down and thought my dick was broken..I had two streams of beer coming out...
At 62, middle age is in the past----I just can't remember how far in the past. I just have readers now but I hate have to wear glasses at all:bang head:. I do have the kind that split at the nose piece and are held together with a magnet. They are the best soultion so far.

BUT--- when on the bikes I can't wear them around my neck ( the usual spot). Top of the junk in the tank bag for them. Distence vision is great but by the end of the work day my eyes are tired----- yes it sucks.

Got em yesterday, hate um, hate um, hate um. Don't see me wearing them any where other than work. Who the hell came up with the idea for them any way, some sadist?
Got em yesterday, hate um, hate um, hate um. Don't see me wearing them any where other than work. Who the hell came up with the idea for them any way, some sadist?

Yea, today they suck, but in 6 months you'll be DEPENDENT on them. I'm thinking of buying a second pair...
Got em yesterday, hate um, hate um, hate um. Don't see me wearing them any where other than work. Who the hell came up with the idea for them any way, some sadist?

I think we all go through that. Now I think they are great. Get yourself a cheap pair of reading glasses for the computer.