Bin Laden killer identified

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Miles Long

Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2009
Reaction score
Saint John New Brunswick
This ex-seal now makes his living as a "motivational Speaker"
He no doubt voluntarily exposed himself as the navy seal that fired the fatal shots in order to increase his visibility, opening the door to many opportunities for financial gain - at the expense of making himself and his family targets for retribution, AND breaking the code of military special forces(silence), and possibly putting future missions in jeopardy, by disclosing tactics.
How many think of this guy as a "hero?"
I'm glad he got OBL, but to put his family in danger with his "target on the door, come get us" line, sorry, that's just bravado, and in my opinion, dumb.
He may have been a good Navy Seal, but he evidently does not have very much common sense.........
I wonder how much thought this person gave about release of information?

I mean think about it. Even if he wasn't the trigger man, and was sitting on his ass back home. Why give information, ANY information, about that operation?

These radicals had no problem killing thousands on 9/11.
That snake has many heads.. OBL was just one of them.
What makes him think that they won't come looking for him and his family?
I've heard other theories. I believe Joe Biden identified Seal team 6 as the group that carried out the mission. It would only be a matter of time before the media ( depending on if they actually wanted to know or cared ) determined who was on that team and who pulled the trigger. I'm thinking that if I knew I was eventually going to be outed , I may as well make some coin while possible , since I may not be around long anyway. I also believe he spoke with his family about the outing prior to it , and they agreed with him.
I've heard other theories. I believe Joe Biden identified Seal team 6 as the group that carried out the mission. It would only be a matter of time before the media ( depending on if they actually wanted to know or cared ) determined who was on that team and who pulled the trigger. I'm thinking that if I knew I was eventually going to be outed , I may as well make some coin while possible , since I may not be around long anyway. I also believe he spoke with his family about the outing prior to it , and they agreed with him.

True....he said that a few politicians and 2 or 3 news networks knew and it was just a matter of time before it leaked......:confused2:
After watching it, yeah I think they should do what his wife said about changing his name.... How about changing it to "Dumb Ass Target" or let's just go by his new last name.... All I can say us what a freakin moron! Or better yet just go work at the store and wear their shirt you freakin *******.
He may have served honorably but it seems that is all in the past. I thank him for his service and wish him the best for whatever days he has left after signing his own death warrant. I just hope nothing happens to his family, they didn't sign up for the shitstorm he is creating.

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He may have served honorably but it seems that is all in the past. I thank him for his service and wish him the best for whatever days he has left after signing his own death warrant. I just hope nothing happens to his family, they didn't sign up for the shitstorm he is creating.
It's not only the foreign radicals he has to worry about. Probably the biggest threat to his well-being will come from the home-grown terrorists. There are probably countless numbers of them in North America now. What better way for these unstable individuals to get their 15 minutes of fame?
And he's not only endangering himself. As well as his family, there would be all the attendees during his "Motivational Talk" seminars.
I have not seen him speak yet but by drawing the focus to himself, he may be drawing the focus away from his brothers in arms.

There may be problems we don't know about. I can't believe the military would allow him to do all this stuff. They could have done any number of things to stop him.

Just saying....