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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2008
Reaction score
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Riding fast and hard is one thing, but riding fast and hard naked is where its at, until I was hit with a draw back. Ive been identified (and never caught) in 9 states as the phantom bike streaker but my time has come to an end. My seat and dangley bits are worn out. Time to get rid of the ugly factory greenish seat cover and go with the best. Oh well, all good things must come to an end. Now its time for some other young buck to replace me. Its been fun...So long.


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I hate the way the seat chaffs...

hmm. Maybe I shouldn't have told that. :ummm:
Ok, ok I just figured it out! Since Cruzer has that BIG gas tank maybe he's been on long trips refusing to pull over, since he's enjoying the vboost so much, when mother nature calls...:confused2:
I thought you guys would be pleased that I was finally getting rid of that seat cover. Ive got the WTF? is up with that several times since posting on here. Next time you lay eyes on Max she'll have a Sean seat. I just have to figure out what style to go with.
Riding fast and hard is one thing, but riding fast and hard naked is where its at, until I was hit with a draw back. Ive been identified (and never caught) in 9 states as the phantom bike streaker but my time has come to an end. My seat and dangley bits are worn out. Time to get rid of the ugly factory greenish seat cover and go with the best. Oh well, all good things must come to an end. Now its time for some other young buck to replace me. Its been fun...So long.
Yeah, OK,
But the question remains to be answered......Ever JUMP the V-Max naked? I mean if your gonna go for it go all the way.
I thought you guys would be pleased that I was finally getting rid of that seat cover. Ive got the WTF? is up with that several times since posting on here. Next time you lay eyes on Max she'll have a Sean seat. I just have to figure out what style to go with.

i would go with the mid-cut. most guys that have tried both like that better that i've talked to.

as far as fabric, the stock '03 fabric is pretty slick. i just had sean recover in what was already on it. pics in albums.
+1 I like the mid-cut also.... leaves enough padding to soften the bumps but still gets you 'down in' the bike.

As far as what's on that old seat??? :ummm: I dunno, but if I was Sean I'd boil it in oil before touching it!!!....And then wear complete Level C protective gear when working on it!! :rofl_200:
Sounds like I need to treat it like the diaper in "3 men and a baby" lol. The mid cut is popular and a nice compromise.

Sounds like I need to treat it like the diaper in "3 men and a baby" lol. The mid cut is popular and a nice compromise.


Now I'm laughing. You guys feel sorry for the seat...I don't get it. The real problem is with what rubbed the seat. You cant reupholster that!

And to answer max-fan, no, never jumped the max, Power wheelies, rear slides, and a few recoverable high sides but no jumping.
Yeah, OK,
But the question remains to be answered......Ever JUMP the V-Max naked? I mean if your gonna go for it go all the way.
Holy God man!!! Havent we all rode naked on the vmax??? I mean who owns a vmax with out considering the added effect of driving by the neighbors with their apple bag exposed? I will admidt that at this time of the year when the temp is in the 30's the show is not as impressive as during the warmer months but DONT GET DISCOURAGED! As long as you can keep the hypothermia at bay you are ahead of the curve especially if you are jumping the max....