Carb and exhaust upgrades

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May 31, 2022
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I have an 85 with dyna stage 7, vboost deleted, stock exhaust. Is it necessary to upgrade the exhaust to get this to run correctly in the midrange? Carbs have been ultrasonic cleaned, jetting should be correct following Firemedic expert advice here, needles have been replaced wth a set from Sean Morley. Just flutters on the highway between 5k and almost 8k. Pulls hard at wot with no issues. Idels fantastic . No start issues.
You need better flow/bigger headers to make good use of the DJ Stage 7 setup. A 4/1 favors top end HP, 4/2 usually helps midrange. Mark's VMax exhausts or something from Holeshot, Star Rider Performance (formerly UFO) or a full Kerker 4/1 or 4/2 will work. And don't forget Sean Morley's full systems.

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