Carpenter F****n Ants

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Bill Seward

Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2007
Reaction score
Holland NY
We got a few of them in our kitchen cupboards the last week or so. Just enough to make me wonder if the little pricks got a nest in the wall..... There are a lot of pines surrounding our house, and I know they're out there. I don't see any at all during the winter months, and these seem to only be around for a few weeks this time of year. (It's happened before). To be honest, we've had more of them previously, but I made the mistake of looking up the little bastards on the Internet, and now, all I want to do is kill them.

I got some Combat Ant Gel, and put a few blobs in the cupboards. About 20 came out, and started taking the gel back to wherever they came from, now there are almost none, and the gel seems to be less disturbed. First night, they took it all away, and the second day they took about half of it. Hopefully, all we had was a small satellite nest, and this stuff got them.

I hate ****** bugs. Got bit by a black fly yesterday, too....:bang head:
I had a **** load of them the last 2 weeks. Seems to be worse this year than ever before. Maybe its the mild winter we had? I sprayed the foundation of the house with home insect control, and watched them stagger around and die. I hate those f@@kin ants!!! Happy Birthday Bill!
two words.... "BORIC ACID". most pharmacies have it, i think
****do not use it around small children or pets****

I owned a Log Cabin and was at war with the bastards for years.

they do not eat wood the search for water source and a place to breed.
Good tip on the "boric acid". But having 3 dogs and a cat, it probably wouldn't be a good idea for me. At least they aren't in my kitchen/food! I had a 1967 camper that was outfitted with beautiful mahogany woodwork, and the little bastards got into it and pretty much destroyed it. Can't imagine the battle you had with the log cabin!
I burn lots of wood and get nest from time to time. I use a poisen that the ants take back to the nest and feed the rest. Seem to work well. We have lots of spiders too. But we stopped vacing. them up. I think the spiders eat ants. Keeping the wood away from the house till needed is worth it too.
I burn lots of wood and get nest from time to time. I use a poisen that the ants take back to the nest and feed the rest. Seem to work well. We have lots of spiders too. But we stopped vacing. them up. I think the spiders eat ants. Keeping the wood away from the house till needed is worth it too.

+1 Spiders are good for your environment as they kill lots of those pesky bugs.
I got some Combat Source Kill Ant Gel. $5.00/tube, available at Home Depot.
Put a few little blobs in the affected cupboards. 10 minutes later every friggin' ant for 50 miles was chowing down. The next morning ALL the bait was gone. I repeated the baiting the next day, only got a couple of the little bastards, and less bait was taken back to the nest. 3 days later - no ants, no activity - and bait is undisturbed. I'll bet they took the bait back to nest, and all died like the little fuckers deserved to...... I'll keep the bait set, and post what happens. It's almost 80 degrees here, and that temp REALLY got the buggers going, but so far.........

I bought 2 pounds of Boric acid to dose the attic this weekend. Just in case. We did find what may have been an entry point by the chimney, which happens to be exactly opposite the affected cupboard. This area got FILLED with Boric acid.

Now, the Black Flies are out.. Anyone got a gun I can borrow for a second?
We get them in the wood pile, haven't seen any in the house in a long time.
What we do, is sprinkle this tiny pellet looking stuff I picked up from the Home Depo. For the life of me I can't remember the name, but the ants think it's food and bring it back to the nest and it kills everything. A few piles in places seems to do the trick for the summer.
Had and ant issue in one of my previous houses. I HATE those little fuckers!

Nothing like opening a cupboard door and finding a trail of a thousand or so ants making their way across the interior.

That bait you put down that they take back to the nest is the shizzle. I had the same experience as everybody else.

Day 1: all the bait gone
Day 2: some of the bait gone
Day 3: none of the bait gone and no more ants.
I wish there was a bait that I could throw out for F'ing squirrels!!!
Peanut butter and boric acid mixed together do well also, you can smear it in places your pets can't get to.....The ratio of the mix is something you have to play with, I do it 50/50 by volume, kinda guessing mostly...

Since ants like electricity, I smear it behind the electrical wall plates and reinstall them, but I dunno if a carpenter ant could get in there, I use it against some tiny little bastards we call "Crazy" ants here in Texas, some kind of foriegn ant screwing things up around here.....