You can use the bicarbonate of soda for chrome parts, even knarly ones. You will be surprised w/your results. Because the media itself is small, it gets into smaller areas and does a good job of scouring w/o hurting the metal. I usually buy the 13 lb Costco Arm & Hammer boxes, 4 or 5 at a time, and it lasts pretty-well. Be prepared for a messy work area. You also need a respirator not just a surgical mask. Buy yourself some extra cartridges for the respirator.
I did a Kerker 4/1 for the 'Max, and compared to what I started with, it worked very well. I have seen descriptions of the siphon gun but chose to use a Harbor Freight cheapie gravity-feed hopper gun instead, I got one on-sale for < $10. It looks kind-of like a 1950's 'outer-space ray gun.' Relive your childhood and clean some parts! "Martians must die, so my 'Max's chrome will please the eye."
Also, the better pressure & reserve (tank size) you have on the compressor, the better & quicker your results.